My Way Is Made Clear

I am one with the One. This One is a mighty presence and power that lights my way, makes the crooked places straight and is a lamp to my feet.

The light of spiritual understanding guides and directs me with wisdom and provides me with the faith to understand with greater conviction.

I celebrate God’s life as my life. I am empowered by these words and I invoke God-Power to fill me with ever increasing Divine love to share with the world.
Love is enlightening and permits only that which is harmonious and kind to enter my life.

I bless this journey and rejoice in the divine adventure that clarifies my vision, grounds me in Truth and motivates divine ideas. My whole being is illumined with the One life that flows through every being. I am grateful for this Truth and for the God-Mind that inspires and fulfills it, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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I Am Established In Perfect Health

There is only Perfect God, Perfect Man, Perfect Being. I am a manifestation of that perfection; therefore I am a Divine expression of perfect health within and without. My body is the embodiment of the Divine expression of God.

Any mental attitude or cause that is in opposition to wholeness is immediately dissolved. At the core of by being there is a pattern of perfection functioning perfectly in every way. I only see with the eyes of God, I always hear with the ears of God and I am consistently guided by the voice of God.

I accept my radiant, vibrant and healthy body. I am grateful for my body temple that was made in the image and likeness of God. I am the full and complete expression of Truth. I easily breathe in inspiration and easily breathe out and let go of any belief in desperation. I am filled with the radiant perfection of God, that has infused me with balanced, harmonious and healthy energy.

I think health, speak health, expect health and experience health. I am whole.
I am complete. I am perfect. I am well. In gratitude, I accept the fulfillment of this Truth right now and forever, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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Fear= False Evidence Appearing Real

I am one with the presence and power that created me. I have never been separated from the infinite. In recognition of the Truth, I choose to employ faith and to fire the illusion of fear. If there are any old worn out memories or patterns of fear in my subconscious mind, I release them and know they are automatically replaced with a consciousness of love and strong and invincible faith. What a joy it is to remove the old mask of an illusion of fear and celebrate the Truth that God is the only power in my life. I look to no other power outside of myself for anything. All that I require has already been supplied.

I respect the lessons of the past, but there is no need to glorify them. I am healed from the belief in scarcity, lack or limitation. As I let the human guard of limitation down, the Divine springs forth and lovingly expresses itself through me in abundantly worthwhile ways.

I celebrate the authenticity of life and place my faith in the spiritual world, not the effects of the material world or false faces of others. I am at peace. I am secure in Spirit. I am free. I am grounded in Truth and Trust. All is well. I am grateful, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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Right Order and Perfect Balance

The God knowing power and presence within me causes all things to work out right. There is nothing over active or underactive. My balanced emotions are expressed through affirmative and constructive means. Everything balances itself with the correct emphasis, impression and direction.

I see from all perspectives—the north, the south, the east and the west. God’s world surrounds me with law and order. Every choice I make is made with wisdom and insight. Each experience inspires cooperation and unity and brings forth fulfillment and satisfaction. God is always on time and therefore there is consistent right timing with every endeavor. With inner order and balance, I am established in the consciousness that reflects the same on the outer plane of life.

I was given a sound mind, a pure heart and a spirit, not of fear, but of power, love and faith. The seeds of my ideas and desires have been planted and now the time has come to enjoy the divine harvest with its abundant fruitage. The universe is my faithful servant and it generously and joyously responds by corresponding to my clear desires.

I give thanks in advance for this demonstration. I now, release it and let it go, knowing right order and perfect balance are part of right action, which is taking place right here and right now, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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In Ways I Know Not Of

There is one Presence, one Power, one Mind and one Life God, infinite good. This Presence, Power, Mind and Life is my life now. I recognize that this Power works for me by working through me. I am surrounded by Mind that returns to me only what I think into it. Through thought, I am using a creative power that brings forth the manifestation of my thought.

God is a silent power and partner always available and ready to bring forth the right expression through me. As I expand my perception and raise my consciousness, I know that “I and my Father are One.” This Truth reveals itself in ways that the human mind cannot explain or fathom. By listening to the still small voice of God, I realize that invincible faith means never doubting or wavering and always believing that the almighty power within me is all-knowing and always operating on my behalf.

I look to the invisible side of life, not to that which is visible, and calmly surrender to the Truth of my being, which is love and cooperation. True knowing is living in a grateful attitude of acceptance for that which I desire as already being so. I believe with God all things are possible. I ask, believing I have received.
I expect the best and the best happens. The Universe is my faithful servant
and I am the active conduit for its divine manifestation.

With calm determination, great trust and invincible faith, I say thank you for
the right and perfect ideas, thoughts, feelings and actions that constantly produce the perfect manifestation in every way, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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Love and Friendship

I am one with the God-Self and the God-Self expresses love as me and through me. Love one another fervently with a pure heart. My relationship to the power that created me enables me to be its full expression of love. This is an all loving and accepting God-Force—a liberating power. As I become the conduit for this power, it flows through me to others and shows up as a giving and friendly energy.

I believe in the eternal goodness, the eternal loving kindness, and the eternal givingness of life to all. I am on this earth plane to learn compassion and courage, to lift the spirits of my brothers and sisters and to have deep passion for my family, friends and most of all God. Friendships bring me closer to the Divine and increase my desire to love all people. Love is the greatest attribute of God. It is the answer to every need and it is the great healer.

When I put Divine Love between myself and a challenging situation or person, any feeling of separation is healed and I am immersed in pure and caring love. I am grateful for every experience that gives me an opportunity to remember to love others and myself. My heart is opened to receive love and to give love. The whole world is my friend and I am a friend to the whole world. I experience cooperation and unity with all people and with all life. I attract love and friendship into my life and am surrounded by fellowship, happiness, health, wealth and success. I am deeply grateful for this demonstration in my life, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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I Consciously Choose To Be Successful

I am one with the One. The One Mind, which is God, is my mind. In this consciousness there is only the principle of Truth. The Truth sets me free to be all that I am. I am free to walk my own path at my own pace. I know that anything in opposition to the truth of my being is powerless. My consciousness accepts and attracts only those ideas that are successful, harmonious and enriching to all concerned.

Spirit works through me and meets every challenge with the perfect solution. It does not permit me to make choices that could be detrimental or harmful to anyone. My actions are inspired by God and carried out by the great Law of Mind. I surrender to God’s activity and willingly let go and let its wisdom guide and direct me so that I become that which I was created to be.

I stand firm in Truth, always evolving into greater inclusive successful experiences. Infinite Intelligence sees to it that my thoughts, ideas and actions produce success and fulfillment as an activity of God. I experience success amongst all people as a cooperative and compatible forward moving unit. My success is God’s success.

I rejoice and give thanks for the positive action that this word is causing in my life.
I accept it, I know it, believe it and live in the joyful experience of it now and forever, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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I Am Divinely Connected

The One, All-Knowing Presence, Mind and Power that created me has also unified me with the inner world of spirit and the outer world of form. It never fails to direct me to right places and right experiences. I am open and receptive to its correct and sound guidance. I leave behind old attitudes and thoughts of confusion and division. My thinking is orderly and clear. I am in tune with the gentle and powerful love of Spirit that governs from within, by lifting my field of vision to the highest summit of consciousness.

I am one with the whole life and to the degree that I consciously cooperate with it, I will continue to expand, to grow and establish greater inner richness. Sharing and expressing the value of this inner spiritual experience maintains and sustains the value of it by giving back. I share the light and love of God and can see it shining back and forth in and through everyone.

I am a moving part, a circulating and vital activity of God-Mind, which keeps my thinking coordinated and aligned with the One Power. My connection with the world is important and I have chosen to be a force for positive change. I experience a positive shift taking place everywhere and in all people.
I am grateful for the demonstration of this Truth. I now release it to the great Law of Mind, accepting and knowing that it is done, and right action is always taking place, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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I Live In The Mind Of God

I only identify with the one Presence, the one Mind, the one Power and the one Life, God infinite good. It created me with its divine energy; therefore, I am a perfectly divine consciousness of wholeness and completeness. My expression is loving, peaceful, harmonious and abundantly joyful. My mind is clear, alert and active because it is the Mind of God.

The right action of God is always working through me intelligently and thoughtfully. My thoughts and actions are motivated and stimulated by an inner calm and a friendly and reasonable attitude. Divine understanding guides my way
and causes each experience to be harmonious and cooperative. I am surrounded with happiness and enthusiasm.

I have constant access to the knowingness of God Mind. I have no fear of limitation because scarcity does not exist in the Mind of God. There is no end to this all-providing source. I live a prosperous life that is rich with limitless opportunities and complete fulfillment. God gives lavishly and abundantly with plenty to share, to spare and a divine surplus.

I rejoice in gratitude and celebrate the activity of this divine Truth. I accept and trust that the Mind of God is doing its perfect work within and through me in every right and perfect way, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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There Is Plenty Now

I am one with the Presence, Power and Mind of God. All the qualities that God Mind is, I am. This Mind is everywhere present, providing for and supporting all of the life it created. Because I am a part of its creation, its governing action is always for my highest good.

This all-providing source creates in moments of now. The eternal now does not know delay; therefore in my reality there is no delay, or limitation or postponement. There is plenty of time for more good and plenty of good all the time right now. I accept an abundance of good as a steady and natural state of being.

The intelligence within me is prompt and efficient and constantly watches over me by surrounding me with experiences that strengthen, enrich and enhance my life. The universe supports me in every way. I live in a world of plenty.
I am here to bring divine energy to this earthly experience and to allow the unformed potential within me to come forth into a tangible demonstration. I am here to dissolve and obliterate the notion of lack and to prove that there is enough. I am here to be a spiritual leader and to be a force for positive change in the world. This is the time, it is done and I am grateful for the manifestation, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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