I Am Divinely Connected

The One, All-Knowing Presence, Mind and Power that created me has also unified me with the inner world of spirit and the outer world of form. It never fails to direct me to right places and right experiences. I am open and receptive to its correct and sound guidance. I leave behind old attitudes and thoughts of confusion and division. My thinking is orderly and clear. I am in tune with the gentle and powerful love of Spirit that governs from within, by lifting my field of vision to the highest summit of consciousness.

I am one with the whole life and to the degree that I consciously cooperate with it, I will continue to expand, to grow and establish greater inner richness. Sharing and expressing the value of this inner spiritual experience maintains and sustains the value of it by giving back. I share the light and love of God and can see it shining back and forth in and through everyone.

I am a moving part, a circulating and vital activity of God-Mind, which keeps my thinking coordinated and aligned with the One Power. My connection with the world is important and I have chosen to be a force for positive change. I experience a positive shift taking place everywhere and in all people.
I am grateful for the demonstration of this Truth. I now release it to the great Law of Mind, accepting and knowing that it is done, and right action is always taking place, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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I Live In The Mind Of God

I only identify with the one Presence, the one Mind, the one Power and the one Life, God infinite good. It created me with its divine energy; therefore, I am a perfectly divine consciousness of wholeness and completeness. My expression is loving, peaceful, harmonious and abundantly joyful. My mind is clear, alert and active because it is the Mind of God.

The right action of God is always working through me intelligently and thoughtfully. My thoughts and actions are motivated and stimulated by an inner calm and a friendly and reasonable attitude. Divine understanding guides my way
and causes each experience to be harmonious and cooperative. I am surrounded with happiness and enthusiasm.

I have constant access to the knowingness of God Mind. I have no fear of limitation because scarcity does not exist in the Mind of God. There is no end to this all-providing source. I live a prosperous life that is rich with limitless opportunities and complete fulfillment. God gives lavishly and abundantly with plenty to share, to spare and a divine surplus.

I rejoice in gratitude and celebrate the activity of this divine Truth. I accept and trust that the Mind of God is doing its perfect work within and through me in every right and perfect way, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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There Is Plenty Now

I am one with the Presence, Power and Mind of God. All the qualities that God Mind is, I am. This Mind is everywhere present, providing for and supporting all of the life it created. Because I am a part of its creation, its governing action is always for my highest good.

This all-providing source creates in moments of now. The eternal now does not know delay; therefore in my reality there is no delay, or limitation or postponement. There is plenty of time for more good and plenty of good all the time right now. I accept an abundance of good as a steady and natural state of being.

The intelligence within me is prompt and efficient and constantly watches over me by surrounding me with experiences that strengthen, enrich and enhance my life. The universe supports me in every way. I live in a world of plenty.
I am here to bring divine energy to this earthly experience and to allow the unformed potential within me to come forth into a tangible demonstration. I am here to dissolve and obliterate the notion of lack and to prove that there is enough. I am here to be a spiritual leader and to be a force for positive change in the world. This is the time, it is done and I am grateful for the manifestation, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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God Is Acting Through Me

I am one with the presence and power of God. This reality maintains my consciousness of perfect being. My life is the action of God Mind. God Power is the only authority in my life.

The infinite creative force has placed within me unlimited capabilities to use and express in positive and constructive ways. Its action empowers me to consistently demonstrate my good without postponement or delay. I radiate assurance because of God Energy that directs me in the right way through the law of Divine Protection.

I stand strong knowing the power within me, greater than I am, is giving me the courage and strength to carry through my ideas. My perceptions are quickened and I am equal to any task before me. The Spirit of Truth operates through me perfectly in every situation. Whatever I need to know and need to say is revealed to me and clearly understood.

I am lifted up by the Truth and given right answers and guidance so that I remain teachable and flexible. “I am that which thou art and thou art that which I am.” I am steadfast and stable in all my ways. I go forth in confidence and joy, accepting with gratitude that this demonstration is now complete, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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