Faith is a Fact
I am one with the universal source that created every thing. Its power, presence and intelligence are deep within me and all around me. I have faith that this universal power conducts itself in positive and affirmative ways.
I trust the power to transform darkness into light, confusion into peace and hopelessness into faith. I can overcome any appearance and create victory because I believe in the resurrection principle. That which was, fades away and dissolves into the native nothingness from whence it came, so that something greater may come into being.
My faith is the conviction that there is only a power for good and it governs my life. I have faith in myself. I have faith in humankind. I have faith in a power greater than I am that I can use. I have faith in the process of life. I have faith that behind all that is visible is the positive right action of the invisible doing its right and perfect work.
I rejoice and give thanks for the affirmative and constructive results that this word is causing. With absolute trust and complete faith, I release this into the law, knowing it is done, and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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