The Power of Love

God is the only presence and power. I am one with this presence and power. I believe that God-Power is the only operative power in my life and my belief has full power. This power is greater than I am. This power is the power of love that maintains and sustains me. There is no power that can oppose love. The power of love transcends any appearance of opposition by loving. Love knows no separation. Love does not force, coerce or manipulate. Love is a giving energy– free of effort, control and expectation.

The highest expression of love is freedom. Love is sensitive, kind and inclusive to all. It does not cling or attach itself; it is a divine energy that flows moment-to-moment encompassing everything. It is love that makes life worthwhile, meaningful, while increasing the awareness of God. Growing in love is to grow in awareness and to see love everywhere present.

I am grateful for the power of love and the positive and constructive richness it amplifies in my life. I now let this be by setting it free, and so it is!

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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