The Truth Will Set Me Free

My spirit is the individualization of the Spirit of God. The Mind of God surrounds me and is responsive to me. I am the embodiment of Divine Truth. There is no darkness in my experience for the light of Truth guides and protects me. I am governed by the eternal light of spirit that illuminates my way.

The Divine Truth frees up energy to devote to a larger vision and makes space for blessings to flow in. Making the best out of everything is honoring the divinity in all of creation and creates positive results. Truth is wholeness and in harmony with the Divine force of life. I am consciously aware of its activity as a course of right action, a creation of love and a more abundant life.

The Truth of my perfection in God is established in my experience. I am divine. I am abundant. I am well. I am perfect. I am whole. I am complete. The activity of God is the Truth of my being. I am free. I am Spirit made manifest. In gratitude, I declare that this is the truth, I let it be, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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