There is a power within me that guides me in a positive direction and provides limitless channels for my expression. I identify with One Mind and One Life, God, infinite good. This One Mind is never confused or divided. It is centered in clear thinking and bound by the unifying power of Divine love. As a unified being, anchored in love, I am awake, stable and at peace. The all-knowing power within me reveals to me all that I need to know at the moment I need to know it. It removes any false appearance of fear, dissolves discord of any nature and increases self-awareness, so that faith and trust are restored.
I am a gift of God and therefore of infinite worth. I gracefully move forward allowing the light of Truth to melt the clouds of doubt away, while fortifying my conviction of self-worth. I am not bound by the illusion of time or space. I live in the present moment and abide in the sacredness and integrity of my vision. My life is worthwhile and I live it wholeheartedly. I am an Infinite self and all the power of the infinite mind exists within my mind right here and right now! I accept this Truth and the power of it. I give thanks, let it be, and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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