A Christmas Letter

Let these beautiful words of Ernest Holmes wash over you and remind you of the very special gift you are! Wishing you and yours a holiday season filled with an abundance of love, peace and joy!

Rev. Pam

A CHRISTMAS LETTER from Ernest Homes

Christmas is for remembrance. The love manifested through our gifts to each other typifies the offer of Life and the givingness of Spirit to Its creations. The hands of the eternal are outstretched through our hands, and the heart of the Infinite beats in the human breast. But the giver must give of himself, for, “the gift without the giver is bare.”

It is not, then, in lavish gifts that we find true giving, but in the sweet simplicity of remembrance, in the kindly thought, the tolerant mind and the gentle act. Love alone can give love, sympathy alone can sympathize and only goodness can really do or be good.

The one who gives for reward does not give at all; he seeks to bargain; to trade for spiritual gifts; hence, he senses a loss in his own giving and finds no completion through the act. But, he who gives “half his meat” to the hungry feels justified and is warmed by a real sense of comradeship. He has established an actual unity between himself and other offspring of Creation.

Great causes succeed when there is a giving of humanity to humanity. With the check must come the one who wrote it, his interest, his enthusiasm, his love. The check must be a symbol of his desire to impart of himself-then shall it multiply its benefits and do good. Charity is cold-but love is warm. When heart speaks to heart a divine conversation has taken place, a heavenly discourse.

Each of us has something to give. Let each see that he gives of his best. If we are bringing our gifts to the alter of love, nothing less than the best will be acceptable; nothing less than all is enough.

May the real spirit of Christmas-the giving of the self to life, enter and abide in you now and through all times.

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I Accept Perfect Health

I am one with the one. This infinite presence, power and mind are my rock of ages. I am the full expression of optimum health. My body functions as a living temple that is endowed with radiant energy, perfect balance and eternal life. I am free from all belief in, or thought of, dis-ease or disorder. God is not sick and I am God-being in expression, therefore, I am unified with, and sustained by this truth. Every tissue, cell and organ of my body is doing its perfect work.

My right thinking purifies any opposition to truth. The truth always demonstrates itself as wholeness. Divine body is life giving and forever flows through me as vitality, nourishing and sustaining me with the pure and perfect light of spirit. I am energized with freedom, faith and harmony. I am calm and at peace with the world. My healthy thinking makes me immune to negative appearances or physical symptoms. The loving Presence of Spirit protects me in all my ways. I accept perfect health as my divine heritage. All is well. I am perfect, whole and complete. I give thanks that is so, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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My Life Is Divinely Guided By Right Action

My mind is continually impressed with images of right action. Everything in my life is controlled by love, harmony and wisdom. I have a clear, clean mind and heart that blesses and prospers me and all of humankind. Any thought or feeling that is in opposition to the truth of my being is released and totally dissolved this very moment.

The all-knowing intelligence that is within me, directs all of my actions into constructive channels of self-expression. All of my endeavors are now in positive motion. Any false claims or old negative habit patterns are eliminated and sent back to the native nothingness from whence they came. Any seeming delay or barrier to my greater good is eliminated from my consciousness. I expect all my good now.

I accept the truth that the spiritual idea of my true success, the divine plan for me, is right where I am, in the mind of my God-self. This self knows itself to be a unique expression of Spirit. It knows its true worth and acts upon it. This self is who and what I am. There is now complete unity between the inner world of Spirit and the outer world of form. The seen and the unseen have merged into an active partnership. My life is divinely guided by right action. I give thanks for this truth, I let it be, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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I Am Firmly Established in Principle

I am firmly established in principle. My mind is quiet and my heart is opened and receptive to the truth of my God-Being. In the eyes of God-Mind, I am perfect.

I am grateful that I can hear the still small voice of truth that guides me clearly with its wisdom. Any desire or need to judge or criticize myself in destructive ways, is now completely nullified and no longer a part of my consciousness. I serve one master and trust in that guidance to direct my every thought, word and deed. I retreat from the noise of the world and commune with my indwelling spirit where I am immersed in peace and love.

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Perfect peace fills me with thoughts of harmonious joy so that each endeavor is accomplished with enthusiasm, efficiently and successfully. I am a divine center of being, free from the past and quickened to this glorious moment of now. I am rich with ideas that enhance my greatest potential to express and experience all that I am. My life is filled with over-flowing goodness, fulfillment and satisfaction in every area. I accept this word as law.

I give thanks and release this, believing with absolute conviction and joyous expectancy that this completed demonstration is my reality right now, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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Personal Peace … World Peace

In this peace that holds me so gently, I find strength and protection from all fear or anxiety.

It is the peace of God, in which I feel the love of a Holy Presence.

I am so conscious of this love, this protection, that every sense of fear slips away from me as mist fades in the morning light.

I see good in everything, God personified in all people, Life manifest in every event.

Spirit is not separate from persons or events; I see that It unites everything with Itself, vitalizing all with the energy of Its own being, creating everything through Its own Divine imagination, surrounding everything with peace and quiet and calm.

I am one with this deep, abiding peace.

I know that all is well.

How To Change Your Life, Page 265 – Ernest Holmes

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Who I Am

God formed itself as me. Every aspect of me and everything about me is Divine. I was born in original innocence. I am inherently blessed with freedom and joy and a spirit of love. The essence of who I am is love, wisdom and light. I live and move and have my being in God’s grace and glory.

Living in an atmosphere of love, harmony, beauty and understanding raises the vibration around me and the world vibration. Peace is the rhythm that keeps me in tune with the Divine Almighty and allows me to move smoothly and harmoniously through life. Unity and harmony create limitless possibilities, strengthen my vision and deepen my purpose. As I move forward, listening to “one voice,” my needs are met, answers are revealed and tremendous results are being achieved. I am grateful for this truth and the power of it. I release this to the great law of mind and let it be and so it is.

Rev. Pam

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I Am Radiant Health

Regardless of any appearance, I am the embodiment of God in perfection. I am radiant health and wholeness functioning as divine energy and strength. I am vital, alive and every function of body is sustained by God Mind.

My mind, body and spirit are a blessed trinity working in harmony and balance. I see with the eyes of God and hear with the ears of God. There is a healing force and power that runs through me and maintains an immunity to anything that is unlike the wholeness of God being. The activity of God maintains the harmony of my entire being, physically, mentally and emotionally. Health is my natural state of being. I am grateful for the full functioning power of Infinite Mind always working in and through me as the vitality of wholeness, completeness and perfection.

All is well. I give thanks for this truth being the great reality in my life. I let it be, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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I Trust Divine Mind

I trust Divine mind to protect me, to guide me and to motivate me in the right direction.

My faith and acceptance of the mighty power within me maintains and sustains me. The law of my life is successful living for myself and for all of humankind. My life is empowered by divine ideas that inspire me to fully express myself. Each idea comes to me clearly and with limitless possibilities for its complete fulfillment.

Wisdom reveals to me what I need to know and divine love lights my path. I am secure, serene and filled with joy.

My word is law and immediately activates right and perfect action. I rejoice and give thanks for this divinely guided and already completed demonstration, I let it be, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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I Am God Action

Nothing is missing in God’s perfect plan for my total fulfillment. The creative process is a moment-to-moment experience, which requires knowing that the law of growth is the law of use. The activity of Mind empowers me with its rich ideas so that I may realize and accept my full potential.

Each thought comes to me with a clear intention and purpose. Fresh and new ideas stimulate me with inspiration and enthusiasm. I feel a renewed interest and excitement in everything I do. All that I choose chooses me.

God action is always moving through me as harmonious right action. I am fully prepared for every situation. God Mind secures me in confidence and right knowing. This all-knowing Mind in me is decisive and acts swiftly with wisdom and strength.

I am governed and lead by God action, which provides me with the creative energy to successfully accomplish whatever I set out to do. I give thanks for the joyous fulfillment of this completed demonstration, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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Perfect Balance

My ever-increasing acceptance of love, harmony and wisdom balances my life in body, mind and spirit. The law of good governs all of my actions. I have complete faith that there is no power but of God. I stand in faith, grounded in truth and flexible in thought.

There is no inaction or over action, there is only God-action, which is sustained in right direction, perfect order and perfect balance. This inner balance establishes balance in all that I do.

Joyfully living in this already completed demonstration, I give thanks and release it to the great Law of Mind that automatically responds by corresponding, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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