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Hi to all my Special Ones,

This is a shout-out and a reach-out to thank you all for your support, and to ask all of you for your continued support, as we embark on and celebrate together this new beginning in our new spiritual home.

It is summer and I know you all have many things going on in your busy lives. Sunday might be your only family day. With that in mind, I ask you to consider bringing your families and friends on Sunday for Community that is meaningful, life enhancing and fun! Remember too that after spending an uplifting positive morning at Science of Mind, our new neighborhood offers the shopping center and many great restaurants that are within walking distance from the Glendale Masonic Center.

Whether you attend regularly, once in a while, rarely, or have been away for a long time, I am reaching out to you to invite you to come on Sundays. Become a consistent and empowering part of our Center as we begin together this exciting new journey. I bet you didn’t know that people ask me about you when they haven’t seen you for a while: “Where is so-and-so and what happened to this one and that one?” Yes, you are thought about and your presence is missed. I wonder about you as well and miss seeing you.

I ask that you join me in envisioning and affirming that our Center makes a positive difference in the community and is a life-changing force for betterment in the world. The world could certainly use a coalition of spiritually minded and dedicated people, who are spiritual warriors and spiritual peacemakers. That’s us! Let’s not let the past or logic limit us. Together we can dream big, live happily and richly, and be the examples of change we want to see in the world. Our contribution – to each other and to all – makes the world a better place.

We have a beautiful sanctuary that is filled with sacred light and energy. Our Sunday morning band is now visible on stage. The sound has been improved and transformed to be in perfect balance no matter where you sit. The seating is comfortable and in a welcoming configuration. The Youth Center is located just outside the sanctuary in a large bright area that is open and inviting. After the service, everyone gathers in our spacious social room which provides an intimate setting of tables and chairs. Here our guests sit and visit while enjoying snacks and refreshments.

Our Service Ministry is expanding and always ready to share its talents and skills. If you feel called to serve, please call the office at 818.901.7600 and let us know. We would love to hear from you. As Martin Luther King said, ” …anybody can serve…You only need a heart full of grace and a soul generated by love.”

A big thank you to all of you who give financial support whether you are with us on Sundays or not. Your stewardship is deeply appreciated and valued. It touches many lives and helps to open up avenues of opportunity for others.

My prayer is that you will now embrace this as an open invitation to be an active part of our spiritual community that offers strength, inspiration and love to each of you!

Your participation matters.
You are important to this Center.
You make a difference!

Love and deepest blessings,

Rev. Pam

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Let us send our thoughts and prayers to all of those who were involved in the recent shooting at Pulse in Orlando, Florida last Sunday morning. There are no words to express the gut-wrenching sadness that I feel, and I am sure you are feeling it as well. Where there is sadness there will be wisdom. A senseless act of violence took the lives of too many people and left the rest deeply wounded – physically, emotionally and spiritually. May their healing be swift, and with grace and ease. For those who lost their loved ones, we know that life will never be quite the same, yet we also know that Spirit surrounds them with the strength to move forward.

As difficult as it is to not be overtaken by anger or fear, that is our work and this is our opportunity to rise to greatness and remember the Truth: we are all one. Together, through our united prayers, we can contribute to the healing of our beloved global community. Let us open our collective heart in a love that is as wide as the world, and embrace everyone in it with compassion, kindness and forgiveness.

IIchi Lee’s beautiful Prayer for Peace says it all:

I offer this prayer of peace, Not to the Christian God, Nor to the Buddhist God, Nor to the Islamic God, Nor to the Jewish God, But to the God of all humanity,
For the peace that we wish for is Not a Christian peace,
Nor a Buddhist peace, Nor an Islamic peace, Nor a Jewish peace But a human peace for all of us.
I offer this prayer of peace To the God that lives within all of us That fills us with happiness and joy to make us whole and help us understand life as an expression of love for all human beings.
For no religion can be better Than any other religion For no truth can be truer Than any other truth For no nation can be bigger Than the earth itself.
Help us all go beyond our small limits & realize that we are one That we are all from the earth. That we are all earth people before we are Indians, Koreans, or Americans.
God made the earth, we humans have to make it prosper by realizing that we are of the earth & not of any nation, race, or religion.
By knowing that we are truly one in our spiritual heritage- Let us now apologize to all humanity for the hurt that religions have caused so that we can heal the hurt, Let us now promise to one another to go beyond egotism & competition, to come together as one in God.
I offer this prayer of peace to you the almighty to help us find you within all of us so that we may stand proudly one day before you as one humanity.
I offer this prayer of peace with all my fellow earth people for a lasting peace on earth.

Love, peace and deepest blessings to you,

Rev. Pam

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Are You Raining on Your Own Parade?

Have you ever had those moments when your mind is chattering so much it seems to be taking up all the real estate in your brain?  That’s when your vitality and inspiration often go into foreclosure.

Are you raining on your own parade?  No matter how evolved or enlightened we are, there are times when the spark of enthusiasm just doesn’t seem to be forthcoming. Enthusiasm is contagious and it delights in having playmates.  When met with apathy, enthusiasm can diminish and dissolve into disappointment.  These are the times we have to reach much deeper, to the depths of our soul, followed by a conscious choice to be renewed, re-inspired and refueled with enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm is a divine state of mind. The Greek words en-theos, mean in God.  Feeling enthusiastic is having God inside of us. That’s inspiring! Why not greet life’s challenges with inspiration instead of desperation?  Everything always gets better, that’s a given.  After a good rain, the sun shines.  Something within you knows the right thing to do, the right choice to make.  You are filled with goodness, courage, strength and brilliance that is still untouched.  We are here on earth for about a nano-second. Why not make the best of it, one thought at a time?  Constructive thoughts produce constructive results.

Be kind to yourself!  Maintain an attitude of gratitude. Being thankful  brings us right back to enthusiasm.  Make a list of all the things you are grateful for and watch them multiply!!

An article by Rev. Pam
(published in the Tolucan Times June 2013)

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What Do You Expect?

It has been said that we don’t get what we want, we get what we expect! If we ask for a lot, but actually expect a little, we will get the little. Our progress is based on our idea of increase. You can change your idea (thinking) about it, and quickly prove to yourself that it is done unto you as you believe.

People grow old because they don’t expect to increase anything, except years.
There is no reason to lose one’s enthusiasm about progressing, growing, increasing while — at the same time — feeling vibrant and alive. When you expect more to happen, you will begin to attract more. Be sure that what you are expecting is truly what you want. Many people are very good at expecting the worst to happen — and it does. Don’t you think the opposite could also happen? The question to ask yourself is: What AM I thinking?

Habitual negative thinking can be cured by replacing it with a new habit of positive thinking. Each thought builds a new consciousness. Repetition is the key. Here are some affirmations to say that will replace old worn out negative thinking:


An article by Rev. Pam
(published in the Tolucan Times May 2013)

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Making the World a Better Place Spirit to Spirit

Most of us want to make things better. If only we knew what we could do specifically to make the world a better place — for everyone. Like most challenges, it requires a mental stretching of one’s mind just to ponder the idea. Does anyone feel equipped to deal with a purpose like that? “Gee, I think I’ll have my coffee this morning, get dressed, and just go out into the world and make it better for everyone — yep, that’s what I’ll do.”

Who has that map? Where do you start? The desire is in each of us. We all want to see the end of war, starvation, poverty, political division, violence, etc. The list is endless. Look deep enough in your heart and accept the possibility that by changing one thought, one belief about a person or situation, your whole life will change. Start today by forgiving yourself for the past. Forgiveness is the path to freedom.

Spirit knows no limitation. “It” knows of ways that we know not. Rarely can we explain the wonders of life, how things happen, or why things happen. We say that we live in a perfect Universe. There is perfect balance and divine order. We have to believe this in order to make a difference, to have a purpose. Start by forgiving yourself and changing just one thought a day. You’ll be amazed at the results! Make this your Easter gift to yourself and to the world.

An article by Rev. Pam
(published in the Tolucan Times April 2013)

The value in coming on Sunday is that not only do you get the benefit of being there on that particular Sunday in real time; more importantly, Sunday services sort of “tee “ you up for the following week. The point-of-difference is that people aren’t just participating in a liturgical service, but are sent away with thought-provoking and action-oriented energy. I have benefited a lot from coming on Sunday and folks that have joined me have all enjoyed it, too. The treats they serve after are tasty, the live band is great, there is plenty of free, covered parking, and you are out of there in an hour feeling good.
– Mary, Toluca Lake CA

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Why Me?

We have all had those challenges that come at the wrong time.  Often  these are the experiences that push us to a particular point where we still need to grow.   The opportunity is there for us to choose to see the glass as half full rather than half empty, pick ourselves up, and continue.

Frequently the question arises: “Is God punishing me?”  Not only does God not punish people, but God is always there to help with any tragedy, disappointment, or heartache. Good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. The truth is, things happen to people all the time. You may wonder “Why me?”   Here is the answer: “The rain falls on the just and on the unjust.” There is a Spirit of Life, a depth of spirituality that can bolster you and hold you in the palm of Its hand.  There is something supportive and helpful.  There is always wisdom and direction. You can’t lose the Divine Presence that is within you. You may not recognize It and you may think It has forsaken you, but It has not.  You can never lose that.

There is happiness that overrules happenings.

An Article by Rev. Pam
(Published in the Tolucan Times March, 2013)

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Looking For Love… in all the wrong places?

A Message About Love from Rev. Pam
(Published in the Tolucan Times February 2013)

It is that time of year again!! Traditionally, the month of February is about Love – being a Valentine or finding one. This seems to be one of the biggest button-pusher days of the year. Many people avoid February 14th because it brings up what they feel they don’t have or what they wish they had – that one special meaningful relationship.

Let’s look at love, not as a sentimental attachment to someone, but as an attitude, a behavior, a way of being – a “do unto others as we would have them do unto us.”

Love is among those things that words can’t describe. We can feel love and we can see the results of what it can do, but it is hard to define. When somebody cares about us, everything seems to get better in life. Then we soon discover that love, appreciation, respect and admiration must happen within us first. Love lifts us up and liberates us! A negative self-image is like living in shackles. We can never be free until we understand that love is not exclusive; it is inclusive and not meant to be reserved for special people or special occasions.

I have seen love heal the seemingly unhealable and move the grouchiest of people to happiness, peace of mind and compassion. Falling in love with yourself might be mandatory, and is definitely a good place to start!! If there is anything better than to be loved, it is to be loving.

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A New Year’s Message from Rev. Pam
(Published in the Tolucan Times January 2013)

As we celebrate the completion of another year of blessings, challenges and wonderful experiences, we look back only to see how far we have come, how much we have grown and learned, and how much we have received and given. We know that time doesn’t automatically heal our hurts, dissolve our frustrations or complete what we have left unresolved. Only a change of attitude can do that.

As we begin the New Year, let us resolve to live with new vision—in the now—for our creative mind can create only in the now. We can express only that for which we have the conviction of being. Living in the new requires new vision. We must know what we want clearly and specifically, without telling God how to do it. Having more faith in what we can’t see will challenge us to grow, and therefore manifest greater possibilities in our expression.

Let us celebrate our now-ness and know that as we go forth in this full new vision consciousness, God-at-the-center of our being is a loving creative intelligence that is in everyone and everything. Let our resolution be to honor and respect that in each other.

Happy New YOU!

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It Begins With You and Me

A Holiday Message from Rev. Pam
(Published in the Tolucan Times December 2012)

Just as the coming of Christ was the promise of Peace on Earth and good will to all mankind, the approach of Christmas has a mighty power that rekindles our faith and lifts our aspirations.

As we eliminate conflict within ourselves, we establish peace on earth. As we master our emotions and rid ourselves of all prejudices, we further peace. Our awareness that God is all, brings peace and sustains harmony of being in everything we do. Let us think of world peace as more than just a hope or dream; let us know that it is an attitude that begins with you and me.

By applying faith, understanding, and the Golden Rule, we help lift the consciousness of our world and gain greater awareness of how powerful love really is. For no matter how hard we strive to win wars we fight, we shall never have peace until we have love and good will among all people.

The spirit of giving moves us out of the appearance of limitation into a larger cosmic expression. It is not the gift but the act of giving that brings enrichment to both the giver and the receiver. This Christmas season and beyond, let us all express only love and good will and reap the benefits of the powerful act of giving.

Gather with us each Sunday in December and experience the L-I-G-H-T of the holidays — Living Inside God’s Highest Truth.

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