Accepting Divine Ideas
I am a Divine being connected to a Divine spirit. I accept that I am the embodiment of a Divine Idea in the mind of God. The power of God’s expression is unlimited. Nothing can stop the action of God from forever unfolding and expressing through me. I am maintained and sustained by an Infinite Mind. This mind created me and guides me in right and perfect ways. Every experience is an opportunity for a larger expression of love, harmony and cooperation.
I accept that each God-given idea is in me now and working through me now. These ideas are spiritual ideas and are in control of my thoughts, feelings and actions. Each idea brings limitless possibilities with it. Every idea is expressed completely, on time and in right sequence. I make good use of every God-ordained idea. I affirm and accept that every Divine Idea prospers and blesses me and those around me. With gratitude, absolute trust and invincible faith, I declare this as the truth of my being, I let it be, and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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