Spiritual Riches

I am one with Spirit. I am all that it is and it is all that I am. It is an infinite intelligence that abides within me and lives through me intelligently. Its energy is divine and melts away anything that is unlike itself. It does not judge or compare. It is a gentle and firm authority that encourages, empowers and accepts others. Its light heals all wounds through self-love and self-acceptance. It begins and ends with me. There is no compromise, no separation, no resisting and no avoidance of Truth. I am the light of my soul and I choose to set myself free and honor who I am.

The heart of my spirit is deeply enriched by experiences that allow me to awaken to my own evolution. I am free from any limitation of the past and all negative infringement of past memories. I confidently express my fullest authentic self. I am rich in gifts and filled with blessings. I set myself free to be all of me. In gratitude, I release these words, knowing they are the law of my life, and so it is!

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Spiritual Light

Let us therefore light the candle of love, human kindness, forgiveness and understanding in our own soul & let it shine brightly.
Let us not peer into the darkness, troubled and concerned because it is so foreboding & unknown.
Rather let us remain steadfast in the radiance of that spiritual light of truth within ourselves.
Let us stand guard so that the winds of malice, cross purpose, ignorance or misunderstanding will not blow out the light.
Let us so live each day that the light from our candle of spiritual knowledge will forever be clear and understood, not only by ourselves but by all whom we come in contact.

         –by Ernest Holmes

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There Is Creative Purpose In My Expression

I am one with the presence, the power and the mind of God. I see the perfect expression in myself and in everyone God has created. I am part of a Divine Plan and my life expression is included in that plan. It includes the drive, strength and motivating power to sustain and maintain the full expression of a purposeful life. It includes an infinite capacity to achieve and to accomplish. It includes the ability to be a far-reaching positive force and inspiration that attracts, empowers and benefits others.

To express and glorify God is to recognize my individual value. My life has meaning because I am divinely connected to my source. I am aware that a constructive power uses me as a conduit. There is that within me, which directs me toward the right expression for the right purpose, which brings the right results from my intentions and desires.

I am firm in my conviction of this truth and I act in confidence and calm assurance, knowing that right action prevails. In gratitude, I release this and let it be, and so it is!

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Daily Affirmations For A Happy Prosperous Life

I willingly and joyfully accept that I am part of a Divine Plan, that plan includes health, love, happiness, success, abundance and complete self-expression.

Today, I enter into the consciousness of abundance and plenty.

Everything I do prospers because I am in partnership with the Infinite.

I see prosperity in all people, places and things.

I am anchored in the consciousness of great richness and consistently manifest visible evidence of abundant prosperity.

My needs are met moment to moment.

I always have plenty to share, to spare and a Divine surplus.

Unlimited channels of abundance are open to me right now.

I accept the natural generosity of the Universe.

I give freely and consistently to God and I receive a hundred-fold increase.

I am forever grateful that every part of my being is filled with over-flowing health, love, happiness, success, abundance and divine self-expression. So it is!

Rev. Pam

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Being What God Intended Me To Be

God is at the center of my being. I am peacefully anchored in a calm center. My energy is aligned with the divine. I release myself from destructive thoughts and let my intuition take over. My creative expression is inspired to spring forth to its full potential.

I let go of any limited thought or idea and remember that I am a divine idea in the mind of God. I am the brilliance of God-mind in full action, motivated and sustained by a power greater than I am.

It is my nature to succeed. God intended for me to be a pure expression of perfect being. I lack nothing. I live a joyous life filled with inspiration, enthusiasm and deliberate purpose. Each and every idea comes with vibrancy and a purpose and the power to produce the complete and perfect manifestation. My faith is alive, active and consistent.

By means of this word, criticism is neutralized and negativity is dissolved. I am a divine being radiating my goodness out into the world. I am happy, healthy, wealthy, prosperous and the full and complete expression of creative mind. The law of perfect right action is the only law there is. I accept, believe and trust that this absolute truth is permanently ingrained in my subconscious mind. I rejoice and give thanks for this already complete demonstration, I release it to the law of mind that immediately responds by corresponding, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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New Opportunities Bring New Riches To My Life

This is a new day, a new time and a new possibility and it begins with me. I am at one with God and so is everyone else. I choose to use this truth to light my path with glorious new experiences, that enrich my life and the lives of others.

I am filled with purpose, direction and ideas that make the world a better place. All that is necessary for the fulfillment of a world that works for everyone is already established in divine mind. This is life’s adventure and life needs room for the unknown so that I may grow to greater heights. I believe that life is over flowing with goodness and all I need to do is accept it. Life is rich with blessings and the biggest blessing is that I am alive in this moment, breathing all of life in. I am significant and an important part of the universe. I am a divine idea in the mind of God. There are no barriers to what I am capable of accomplishing. I am grateful that all my needs are met.

I appreciate myself, my life and everyone in it. I declare and accept that new opportunities bring new richness to my life.

In gratitude, I rejoice in this Truth, I let it be and so it is!

Happy New YOU!!

Rev. Pam

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A Christmas Letter From Ernest Holmes

       Christmas is for remembrance. The love manifested through our gifts to each other typifies the offer of Life and the givingness of Spirit to Its creations. The hands of the eternal are outstretched through our hands, and the heart of the Infinite beats in the human breast. But the giver must give of himself, for, “the gift without the giver is bare.”
       It is not, then, in lavish gifts that we find true giving, but in the sweet simplicity of remembrance, in the kindly thought, the tolerant mind and the gentle act. Love alone can give love, sympathy alone can sympathize and only goodness can really do or be good.
       The one who gives for reward does not give at all; he seeks to bargain; to trade for spiritual gifts; hence, he senses a loss in his own giving and finds no completion through the act. But, he who gives “half his meat” to the hungry feels justified and is warmed by a real sense of comradeship. He has established an actual unity between himself and other offspring of Creation.
       Great causes succeed when there is a giving of humanity to humanity. With the check must come the one who wrote it, his interest, his enthusiasm, his love. The check must be a symbol of his desire to impart of himself—then shall it multiply its benefits and do good. Charity is cold—but love is warm. When heart speaks to heart a divine conversation has taken place, a heavenly discourse.
       Each of us has something to give. Let each see that he gives of his best. If we are bringing our gifts to the alter of love, nothing less than the best will be acceptable; nothing less than all is enough.
       May the real spirit of Christmas—the giving of the self to life, enter and abide in you now and through all times.

                                             Ernest Holmes

Merry Christmas my Dear Ones!! Take these sweet and sacred words with you as you celebrate and share all the gifts that are within you!

Rev. Pam

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My Right and True Place

I am one with God. This beloved and divine energy guides and directs me so that I am always in my right and true place. I release any thoughts of displacement and know that the kingdom of heaven is within me at all times. It has imbued me with its grace.

At anytime, I can retreat to the secret place of the most high and neutralize anything that is in opposition to the truth of my being. I experience all that is good, beautiful, harmonious, abundant and fulfilling. I am part of an unfolding divine pattern that is uniquely me. Each individual has a perfect place, which only they can fill.

Divine order is always sustained. I am always in sync with the creative flow of the universe and deeply aware of the divinity in all beings and things. We are all children of God in this place at this time. There are no mistakes in God-mind. Everything and everyone is a light-filled channel of love designed for right and perfect expression.

Everything functions in perfect divine harmony. Nothing is missing in God’s perfect plan for my total fulfillment. I am God in action. I joyously live each moment in my right and true place. I give thanks for knowing this, for believing and accepting that it is so, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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The Gift of Self

I am one with the one presence, the one power and the one mind. I am a God-centered, all-sufficient self. I am the consciousness of that which God is. I have been given the gift of a Divine Self, which is sustained in peace and harmony. I allow this gift to be brought out into the light of awareness. I am a unique being, expressing the gifts of the spirit — love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control. I fully and freely give love.

I realize that God’s infinite intelligence is guiding my way to great blessings. I am surrounded with happiness and abundance.

In wondrous ways that I know not of, the almighty makes all things possible and has provided me with adequate abilities, fruitful ideas and answers to every question. The continuous action of Spirit maintains its inspiration in me and expresses through me as wisdom and intelligence. I release this to the great law of mind, knowing that the demonstration is complete. I give thanks and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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Inner Peace is a Priority

I am at one with the power and presence of God. I have made a solid connection to the truth that God is all there is. This recognition is my path to peace. Peace is a power within me that is never disturbed or moved by the outer world of effects. Having peace as a spiritual priority brings balance and wholeness to my life. When I am content and peaceful, my mind is free, open and I feel at one with all life.

To become a peacemaker I must first make peace with myself. Being true to myself is peace in its purity. There is no struggle or effort to find peace or attain peace. I achieve peace of mind by having a deliberate intention to make peace a priority. I consistently choose serenity, knowing that peace of mind begins with a quiet mind and a tranquil heart.

I draw upon the great power of Infinite mind that grounds me in truth so that I may rise above any appearance of confusion or conflict. The spirit that dwells within me is divine, adequate, whole and complete. I meet every experience with a full and complete consciousness that is deliberately centered in peace.

I am grateful for the peace that lives within, always expressing as perfect love, harmony and freedom. I calmly accept this word as law, I let it go and let it be, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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