The Secret of Prosperous Living, Part II – July 30, 2017

At the Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles, you will hear relevant messages, by Rev. Pam MacGregor, that you can apply to everyday life.

Loving greetings and welcome to the month of July wherein we celebrate freedom and independence. Certainly we can all relate to the outer definition of these words, but what about their more profound meanings in terms of our awareness of ourselves as individualized expressions of Spirit, free as Spirit is free, awake as Spirit is awake? To support us in our individual answer to this question, our theme of the month is Our Inheritance of Independence.

The topic on July 30, 2017, was The Secret of Prosperous Living, Part II. A prosperous heart is the result of living from Spirit’s overflow of love into our life. When we feel its irreplaceable nourishment, we know a wealth beyond comparison. Learning about the lives of the greatest lovers of humankind, we see that they were awake in the awareness of Spirit as the Source of life’s inherent goodness. We all measure prosperity in a way unique to ourselves, but the common denominator is Love, and love births generosity of the heart.

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The Secret of Prosperous Living, Part I – July 23, 2017

At the Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles, you will hear relevant messages, by Rev. Pam MacGregor, that you can apply to everyday life.

Loving greetings and welcome to the month of July wherein we celebrate freedom and independence. Certainly we can all relate to the outer definition of these words, but what about their more profound meanings in terms of our awareness of ourselves as individualized expressions of Spirit, free as Spirit is free, awake as Spirit is awake? To support us in our individual answer to this question, our theme of the month is Our Inheritance of Independence.

The topic on July 23, 2017, was The Secret of Prosperous Living, Part I. Most often we relate to prosperity as equaling the sum total of our net worth, our outer material riches. But doesn’t that seem to be a limited view? For example, if we were to total our inner wealth, it would include many other aspects—the wealth of love in our lives, health, creativity, generosity, compassion. It just might be that the secret of prosperous living begins with growing our inner wealth, which prepares us for outer riches.

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You Are the Channel – July 16, 2016

At the Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles, you will hear relevant messages, by Rev. Pam MacGregor, that you can apply to everyday life.

Loving greetings and welcome to the month of July wherein we celebrate freedom and independence. Certainly we can all relate to the outer definition of these words, but what about their more profound meanings in terms of our awareness of ourselves as individualized expressions of Spirit, free as Spirit is free, awake as Spirit is awake? To support us in our individual answer to this question, our theme of the month is Our Inheritance of Independence.

The topic on July 16, 2017, was You Are the Channel. By maintaining an open and receptive consciousness, we assure the inflow of Spirit’s guidance and our ability to channel it into all aspects of our lives. We all get stuck at times, and when we do, that is the time to deliberately take a “prayer pause” and remind ourselves of what we know to be true about our unbroken connection to Spirit, to remember that the channel is blessed by what flows through it.

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Belief, Believer, Believed – July 9, 2017

At the Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles, you will hear relevant messages, by Rev. Pam MacGregor, that you can apply to everyday life.

Loving greetings and welcome to the month of July wherein we celebrate freedom and independence. Certainly we can all relate to the outer definition of these words, but what about their more profound meanings in terms of our awareness of ourselves as individualized expressions of Spirit, free as Spirit is free, awake as Spirit is awake? To support us in our individual answer to this question, our theme of the month is Our Inheritance of Independence.

The topic on July 9, 2017, was Belief, Believer, Believed. There is That within you which has been a believer long before you began walking the path that teaches the power of belief and manifesting what is believed. If this were not our inheritance as individualized expressions of Spirit, we could not manifest in tangible form the word we speak unto the great Law of Life. The work is about growing belief into an unquestionable knowing, even before we speak it.

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Awakening to Your Own Self-Reliance – July 2, 2017

At the Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles, you will hear relevant messages, by Rev. Pam MacGregor, that you can apply to everyday life.

Loving greetings and welcome to the month of July wherein we celebrate freedom and independence. Certainly we can all relate to the outer definition of these words, but what about their more profound meanings in terms of our awareness of ourselves as individualized expressions of Spirit, free as Spirit is free, awake as Spirit is awake? To support us in our individual answer to this question, our theme of the month is Our Inheritance of Independence.

The topic on July 2, 2017, was Awakening to Your Own Self-Reliance. The word “reliant” dates back to the 16th century and is defined as “having confidence in and exercising one’s own powers or judgment.” When we live by the liberating principle of self-reliance, we have put into action a tremendous gift implanted in our consciousness by Spirit. Join us as we explore how to make the highest, conscious use of this skillful quality.

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The Power in Sacred Agreements – June 25, 2016

At the Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles, you will hear relevant messages, by Rev. Pam MacGregor, that you can apply to everyday life.

Loving greetings and a happy, blessed Father’s Day to all of you who are blessed in your role as a father.

Whether this is your first time with us or are a long-time member of our spiritual family, I invite you to listen as though for the first time, with a fresh, open and receptive mind as we begin sharing our theme of the month, Seeing Spirit in Everything.

The topic on June 25, 2017, was The Power in Sacred Agreements. The more we honor the sacred trust between our soul and Spirit, the more we become aware that its Grace is our constant companion in all aspects of our lives. We realize that the law of manifestation does not need to be coerced, manipulated, that it cannot be forced. When we apply the power of our word with trust, it is like having taken an inner vow of utmost confidence in and between Spirit and ourselves. Are you ready?

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Stop, Listen, and Follow the Voice of Your Soul – June 18, 2017

At the Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles, you will hear relevant messages, by Rev. Pam MacGregor, that you can apply to everyday life.

Loving greetings and a happy, blessed Father’s Day to all of you who are blessed in your role as a father.

Whether this is your first time with us or are a long-time member of our spiritual family, I invite you to listen as though for the first time, with a fresh, open and receptive mind as we begin sharing our theme of the month, Seeing Spirit in Everything.

The topic on June 18, 2017, was Stop, Listen, and Follow the Voice of Your Soul. As Dr. Holmes so aptly put it, “Intuition remains in the background and waits for recognition.” This Talk explores how we may amplify our ability to receive intuitive guidance through the many sources Spirit uses to speak to us. The good news is that the more we sensitize ourselves to deep listening, whether we are in the market place, on the basketball court, or sitting in prayer, we will hear it.

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Get Your Big “But” Out of the Way! – June 11, 2017

At the Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles, you will hear relevant messages, by Rev. Pam MacGregor, that you can apply to everyday life.

Loving greetings and a happy, blessed Father’s Day to all of you who are blessed in your role as a father.

Whether this is your first time with us or are a long-time member of our spiritual family, I invite you to listen as though for the first time, with a fresh, open and receptive mind as we begin sharing our theme of the month, Seeing Spirit in Everything.

The topic on June 11, 2017, was Get Your Big “But” Out of the Way! It’s so easy to justify, to rationalize our overuse of the “but” word. Here’s a simple example: How often do you find yourself saying things like, “I’d love to take a cruise this summer but how can I create the time or money to do it?” Well, we can all begin right on the spot where we now stand by taking a permanent vacation from using the “but” word in our lives.

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Your Highest Intention – June 4, 2017

At the Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles, you will hear relevant messages, by Rev. Pam MacGregor, that you can apply to everyday life.

Loving greetings and a happy, blessed Father’s Day to all of you who are blessed in your role as a father.

Whether this is your first time with us or are a long-time member of our spiritual family, I invite you to listen as though for the first time, with a fresh, open and receptive mind as we begin sharing our theme of the month, Seeing Spirit in Everything.

The topic on June 4, 2017, was Your Highest Intention. We all set intentions, whether or not we are conscious of doing so. But it’s those we set consciously that are infused with Spirit’s law-fulfilling energy. And, that’s just the beginning! So if you’re ready to invest in conscious intention setting, let us do so with what Ernest Holmes referred to as the “summum bonum” of intentions: to live, move, and have our being in Spirit.

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The Rich Harvest of Faith – May 28, 2017

At the Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles, you will hear relevant messages, by Rev. Pam MacGregor, that you can apply to everyday life.

Loving greetings and joyous Mother’s Day wishes to each one of you! Just as the universe tenderly mothers us all, so have we been equipped to express this motherly love to all those who cross our path, including the inner child that lives within us.

This month’s theme is Planting Seeds in Your Garden of Eden. In other words, each of us has been implanted with the seeds of Spirit’s nature, and through Spiritual Mind Treatment, affirmative prayer, we fertilize them and watch as they blossom in the garden of our being.

The topic on May 28, 2017, was The Rich Harvest of Faith. Faith fulfills the promise of the harvest of awakened consciousness. Why? Because it keeps us steady on the path, bringing us back when we temporarily bite the hook of fear, anxiety, lack or limitation. It reminds us that, “With God all things are possible.” Today we will explore how faith and trust in Spirit’s universal laws rejuvenate our inborn knowing that we never walk alone, that we are always caressed by Spirit’s loving hand.

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