The Victory is Complete

There is one Power, one Mind, one Life and that is God. It is my life now. It is within me, around me and everywhere present. I am one with the God-Self and the God-Self expresses as me and through me. I live in a perfect Presence of Truth and Light. I am victoriously free by God’s grace.

Within me, is a life giving energy that powerfully anchors me in peace and serenity. Every tissue, cell, organ and fiber of my being is infused with love’s vibrant wholeness and vitality. I don’t indulge in self-condemnation or destructive thinking. I am grateful for every experience that gives me an opportunity to love others and myself more. I surrender to the triumphant power of love and praise, knowing that a thankful heart is in harmony with life.

I rise into a fresh spiritual consciousness of innocence, purity and holiness. I rejoice in new beginnings, as I celebrate a Divine awakening to a fuller expression and closer relationship with the God of my being. The victory is complete. This is the reality of my life. With a grateful heart and mind, I let this be, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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