Living Wisely
I am one with the Presence, the Power and the Mind of God, Infinite good. The God thought of me expresses through me as an active power and influence for good. I am motivated by a creative power that allows me to cope effectively with anything coming into my life. My being attracts good into my experience. There is no limit to the good that is available to me. I accept eternal goodness.
I am the consciousness of wisdom and I govern my own thinking. There is unity, divine cooperation and joyous gratitude all around me. I think rightly and love greatly. I belong to the universe and am perfectly maintained by its power. I am secure knowing that divine intelligence guides me and directs me into right experiences. I listen to my deepest wisdom self and act in accordance with it. I partake in the rich ideas from Spirit that fill my heart with love and my mind with power. I am peaceful, loving and wise. I am grateful for life and all that it gives me. In gratitude, I let this be, and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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