The Time Is Now

I give thanks for Divine Intelligence that guides and directs my every step to live life actively, wisely and fully in the present moment. I release all fear, known or unknown, and consciously choose to live each moment with absolute and complete faith. I always have ample time and energy to complete each task promptly, completely and effortlessly.

Spirit works through me in now time. I am always prompt and ready for new experiences. Every thought, word and action is motivated from on high and takes place on time, in time, at the right time and every time. There are no delays and no belief in procrastination. I believe in the all-sustaining power of good that governs my life here and now.

Opportunities present themselves at the perfect time and propel me forward with ease, wisdom and understanding. Every demonstration is immediate and successfully completed.

Now is the appointed time! I give thanks for instantaneous right action governing this word, I release it, let it be and so it is!!

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I am one with the limitless, eternal and supreme power of Divine Mind. Its action responds to me in perfect order, balance and harmony. This realization has transformed my life into a constant joyful, loving and prosperous experience. I am heir to the kingdom and willingly accept its over flowing abundance of good.

I am the Divine Principle being the self as whole, complete and perfect. Consciousness is the only power and it always brings forth a continuous flow of potent fulfillment through every action. My union with Infinite Presence grounds me in peace, centers me in grace and directs the manifestation of my divine purpose.

I am the embodiment of spirit’s richness. Accepting this absolute truth, my wisdom expands and dissolves any thought, feeling or belief that is unhealthy in body, mind or spirit. All my good moves toward me and increases good everywhere. I accept it and expect it and joyously welcome it with an open heart and mind.

I accept this word and the power of it as the law of my life. It now activates right and perfect action in all of my affairs. In gratitude, I let it be, I accept it to be so now, and so it is!

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Faith Filled

I am the full expression of Divine Intelligence. I accept the responsibility of its perfect activity in, through and around me. I am the consciousness of pure receptivity; my experiences are always a blessing. I am that which I am conscious of being.

I stand on the stable ground of faith.  Faith is my fortune, my conviction and my reality; no person, place or condition can oppose the power of my practical faith.  My success is dependent on nothing outside of myself, but on my consciousness of consistent faith. I keep myself focused on the Promised Land and my faith deepens.

I release everything in my life that is not enriching and empowering. I invest every moment in spiritual conviction and unwavering faith. The more faith I have, the more faith I have.

I give thanks for the complete fulfillment of this Truth. I embody it, accept it, know it and believe it with absolute invincible faith, I let it be, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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What Do You Expect?

It has been said that we don’t get what we want, we get what we expect! If we ask for a lot, but actually expect a little, we will get the little. Our progress is based on our idea of increase. You can change your idea (thinking) about it, and quickly prove to yourself that it is done unto you as you believe.

People grow old because they don’t expect to increase anything, except years.
There is no reason to lose one’s enthusiasm about progressing, growing, increasing while — at the same time — feeling vibrant and alive. When you expect more to happen, you will begin to attract more. Be sure that what you are expecting is truly what you want. Many people are very good at expecting the worst to happen — and it does. Don’t you think the opposite could also happen? The question to ask yourself is: What AM I thinking?

Habitual negative thinking can be cured by replacing it with a new habit of positive thinking. Each thought builds a new consciousness. Repetition is the key. Here are some affirmations to say that will replace old worn out negative thinking:


An article by Rev. Pam
(published in the Tolucan Times May 2013)

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Planting Seeds of Prosperity

Right now, in this moment, I am one with only God’s presence. There are no false Gods before me. I accept one power, God power, as the guiding light of my life. Unified with this power, I am always abundantly supported by this infinite intelligence.

Prosperous living is my natural state. I call forth the full functioning power of spirit to instantly produce and out-picture affluence, abundance and prosperity. I think wealth and feel wealthy. I am anchored in the consciousness of great richness and attract the likeness of that richness in all people, places and things. Spirit knows no stinginess, covertness, ignorance or laziness. I appreciate and graciously accept its ever-increasing generosity.

I am forever grateful for the continuing flow of Divine supply and expanding goodness in all of my experiences. I am never needy nor greedy. I willingly participate and contribute to the circulation of God’s supply in every way I can. There is always plenty to share and plenty to spare by Divine law.

I joyfully accept the embodiment and manifestation of this absolute Truth, as prosperity is the law of my life. With an abundance of gratitude I release it and let it be, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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Good and More Good

Ernest Holmes suggests that we declare this at least one hundred times a day. It is fun to memorize and say in the shower, in traffic, or anytime you are waiting. It is a perfect re-programming tool, to replace mind chatter, judgement, self-criticism, and self-condemnation.

It is Spirit’s Power Ball!! Make it fun and be sure and share it! Here you go!!

Good and more good is mine.
An ever-increasing good is mine.
There is no limit to the good which is mine.
Everywhere I go I see this good, I feel it,
I experience it.
It crowds itself against me, flows through me, expresses itself in me,
and multiplies itself around me NOW, and so it is!!

Living The Science Of Mind – page 339

Rev. Pam

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Growth Means Change

There is a Spiritual force that governs my thoughts, my feelings and my actions. I am one with this force, Spirit. It is the life principle of intelligence that operates in and through all. I am an ever-evolving expression of this divine intelligence always in the process of becoming.

As the layers of false beliefs are peeled away, the spiritual Truth shines forth and I am lifted to a higher level of living as Spirit. I recognize dissolving is necessary for this transformation to occur. To become something new and different, I must think new and different thoughts. This is a natural state of the creative process, in which I am fully engaged.

I am being guided by a deep urging to expand and function at a higher level of expression. I feel the inner realization of Truth that is stronger than any seeming opposition, propelling me forward to grow and expand and be the best I can be. Choosing to live in the recognition of perfect harmony, right balance and divine order, makes my life successfully happy and filled with every good thing. It is with gladness and joy that I accept this absolute Truth. I release this to the Creative Law of Mind that responds by corresponding, right here and right now, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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I Am Enough

As an individualized expression of God, I am imbued with God-qualities. My energy is divine energy coupled with divine motivation and intent. This energy causes great momentum in all that I do. God at the center is perfect life. I am the totality of perfect being, becoming that which I already am.

I do not argue with the past or plead with the future. I am not limited by my past. I am more than my past. I accept what is right now, and know that the future is bright with possibilities. I am intentionally creating my future by planting present moment seed thoughts of joyous successful living, abundant health and wealth, harmonious loving relationships and the complete fulfillment of my divine creative self-expression.

All avenues are open for my full expression. I know and feel that the universe is for me and with me. This divine power is inexhaustible and flows in, through and all around me, bringing joyous fulfillment to all that I do. I am grateful for this truth and its limitless surplus of all-good that I accept with joyous thanksgiving, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

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Making the World a Better Place Spirit to Spirit

Most of us want to make things better. If only we knew what we could do specifically to make the world a better place — for everyone. Like most challenges, it requires a mental stretching of one’s mind just to ponder the idea. Does anyone feel equipped to deal with a purpose like that? “Gee, I think I’ll have my coffee this morning, get dressed, and just go out into the world and make it better for everyone — yep, that’s what I’ll do.”

Who has that map? Where do you start? The desire is in each of us. We all want to see the end of war, starvation, poverty, political division, violence, etc. The list is endless. Look deep enough in your heart and accept the possibility that by changing one thought, one belief about a person or situation, your whole life will change. Start today by forgiving yourself for the past. Forgiveness is the path to freedom.

Spirit knows no limitation. “It” knows of ways that we know not. Rarely can we explain the wonders of life, how things happen, or why things happen. We say that we live in a perfect Universe. There is perfect balance and divine order. We have to believe this in order to make a difference, to have a purpose. Start by forgiving yourself and changing just one thought a day. You’ll be amazed at the results! Make this your Easter gift to yourself and to the world.

An article by Rev. Pam
(published in the Tolucan Times April 2013)

The value in coming on Sunday is that not only do you get the benefit of being there on that particular Sunday in real time; more importantly, Sunday services sort of “tee “ you up for the following week. The point-of-difference is that people aren’t just participating in a liturgical service, but are sent away with thought-provoking and action-oriented energy. I have benefited a lot from coming on Sunday and folks that have joined me have all enjoyed it, too. The treats they serve after are tasty, the live band is great, there is plenty of free, covered parking, and you are out of there in an hour feeling good.
– Mary, Toluca Lake CA

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I Am Patient

I radiate with the joy and happiness of Spirit as the presence and power of all good in all of life. This divine energy leads me on the pathway of successful living, which includes being patient with myself and with others.

I am not hurried or rushed by outer conditions or circumstances. I approach and complete all of my endeavors with a calm, confident and relaxed frame of mind. I have plenty of time to complete all tasks at hand and do so successfully, smoothly and easily.

I live each day with patience and compassion, challenging myself to grow, to expand and to experience greater value in being all that I can be. All of my actions are sustained by infinite patience that produce right and perfect results on time, in time and every time.

I am grateful for this Truth and celebrate its out-picturing that brings an abundance of joy, fulfillment and satisfaction in everything I do. I release it with grace and ease, knowing that it is done, and so it is!!

Rev. Pam

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