The Time Is Now
I give thanks for Divine Intelligence that guides and directs my every step to live life actively, wisely and fully in the present moment. I release all fear, known or unknown, and consciously choose to live each moment with absolute and complete faith. I always have ample time and energy to complete each task promptly, completely and effortlessly.
Spirit works through me in now time. I am always prompt and ready for new experiences. Every thought, word and action is motivated from on high and takes place on time, in time, at the right time and every time. There are no delays and no belief in procrastination. I believe in the all-sustaining power of good that governs my life here and now.
Opportunities present themselves at the perfect time and propel me forward with ease, wisdom and understanding. Every demonstration is immediate and successfully completed.
Now is the appointed time! I give thanks for instantaneous right action governing this word, I release it, let it be and so it is!!
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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