I Am Divine Activity

There is an invisible power, which determines my actions and creates by means of me. This creative power is within me and is everywhere present. It is the recognition of this infinite source of invisible power that makes it available to me and to all of creation.

I am Divine Activity, functioning as an individual center of Creative Mind. There is a power within me that is expanding my consciousness, increasing my opportunities and responding to my ideas. I am unlimited; I am a center of God-conscious life and power. The Intelligence within me is God and there are no limitations in my mind. The reality of my desires are established in Divine Mind. The presence of Truth within me completes itself in my experience. All of the life of the Infinite seeks fulfillment in me. My life is the one Infinite Life, perfect, whole and complete, and is now fulfilled in my experience. I rejoice and give thanks for this Truth, I let it be, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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