I Live in Abundance

I am one with Spirit and nothing can separate me from the power within. I am in partnership with the Infinite. Divine action is successfully active and operative in everything I do. I identify with the positive action of consistent abundance. My cup runneth over with lavish good.

I accept and enjoy a rich abundant life in every form. I contribute my gifts and talents to the world. I celebrate the joy of living and giving and prosper in all my ways. The all-sufficiency of a limitless source meets my every need and consistently provides for me.

I see limitless abundance present everywhere, flowing through all things, blessing, enriching and embracing all. I rejoice in the full action of abundance in all my affairs. My ideas are prosperous and their appearance is immediate. I am overflowing with gratitude and flooded with blessings. I rejoice and give thanks for this absolute Truth, I let it be and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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