I See Myself as the Limitless Expression of Spirit
I See Myself as the Limitless Expression of Spirit
I am one with the presence, the power, the mind and the life of Spirit.
I am unified with a positive course of action.
I am a perfect expression of God’s idea.
I see a unique self as the only power and presence operative in everything I do.
I see my expression as God’s thought and idea.
I only see this God-conscious self in all of its infiniteness of being.
Every channel is open and brings a perfect manifestation.
What I am able to envision can be fulfilled.
There is nothing that can prevent principle from working in and through me.
I remain steadfast in my purpose.
I see myself as God’s perfect idea.
I look through the appearance and see things as I want them to be.
Every avenue is open for the perfect expression of my vision.
I see myself as the limitless expression of Spirit, and so it.
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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