Consider the Source

I know that that which I am is God in me as me. I recognize God as the only presence and power. I identify with this divine power as the only power in control. I look calmly upon the false condition and recognize the working of the Divine pattern in all situations.

I see through the eyes of God and hear with the ears of God. Any obstacle or sense of discord is a false appearance from the ego mind. I rely on the power of good that fully operates in all human affairs. Anything in opposition to Truth is eliminated from my consciousness. My word transmutes all energy into constructive affirmative and positive action. God at the center gives me complete assurance that all is in divine order.

The God-energy is working in and through me and maintains and sustains me in prefect and complete balance. I realize I am a valuable expression of life. I am open and receptive to worthy ideas that produce peace, love and harmony in everyone. Limitless possibilities impel me forward with ease assuring me of my perfect spiritual evolution. I gratefully accept the riches of the universe. I let God’s greatness express in me as me, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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