The Value of Appreciation

I am the expression of Infinite creative power.
As I sing praises of appreciation, adversity disappears and I am filled with a spirit of gladness.
Praise is faith and belief in action.
“Thank you” is my prayer of power that connects me to my creator.
I generously give and graciously receive.
I am praise-worthy.
I love and value myself.
Singing praises of appreciation brings more and more good that is worth praising.
I have complete faith in the Law as my silent partner.
My thoughts create my experience and I keep my thoughts uplifted always.
I am enriched by letting the action of God move through me.
I accept each experience as a blessing of great value.
I believe that the Divine Plan has included me in its expression.
I am eternally grateful for the courage to look beyond appearances and move forward with clarity, confidence and conviction.
I willingly trust life and maintain an attitude of gratitude.
I deeply appreciate the motivating power of unwavering faith and acceptance, which successfully expresses my greatest potential.
I experience an increasing good beyond my fondest imagination.
I appreciate myself and everyone in my life.
I give thanks in advance, knowing and believing that every endeavor is effortless, powerfully positive and is accomplished successfully as a blessing. So it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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