Song of Life

Enjoy these meditative and healing words of Ernest Holmes from his book, This Thing Called You.

As you enter into life, feeling the Divine Presence in everything, more and more you will hear a Song of Joy singing at the center of your being. You have only to be still and listen to this Song of Life, for it is always there. Say:

Knowing that the loving Presence is always closer to me than my very breath, I have nothing to fear. I feel this loving protection around me.

I know that the Song of Joy, of Love and of Peace, is forever chanting its hymn of praise and beauty at the center of my being, therefore I tune out of my mind all unhappy and negative ideas.

I turn the dial of my thought into the sunshine of life, into brightness and laughter, into the joyous presence of radiant Spirit.

I lay aside all anxiety, all striving, and let the law of Divine Love operate through me into my affairs.

Joyfully I anticipate greater abundance, more success and a deeper peace.

Joy wells up within my mind and Life sings Its song of ecstasy in my heart.

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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