
I am the perfect expression of love and wisdom, which unifies me with the presence, power and mind of the Divine. There is just one
all knowing Mind and its power maintains and sustains me. I am one with the Infinite Intelligence that operates in and as everyone and everything.

I am poised for a positive course of action. Every avenue is open and ready to receive and to reveal new and wonderful possibilities. As I persevere, I perceive the infiniteness of life and see the perfect creative ideas unfolding. Realizing that there is that within me that is finding its full and complete expression, discouragement is impossible. I meet each thing as it comes and stay steadfast in my purpose. There is no place for limitation or contradiction in the Divine Plan. My place in life is part of the Divine Plan and my life expression is included in that plan. I see myself as the limitless expression of God. For all of this, I am
truly grateful and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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