Being What God Intended Me To Be
God is at the center of my being. I am peacefully anchored in a calm center. My energy is aligned with the divine. I release myself from destructive thoughts and let my intuition take over. My creative expression is inspired to spring forth to its full potential.
I let go of any limited thought or idea and remember that I am a divine idea in the mind of God. I am the brilliance of God-mind in full action, motivated and sustained by a power greater than I am.
It is my nature to succeed. God intended for me to be a pure expression of perfect being. I lack nothing. I live a joyous life filled with inspiration, enthusiasm and deliberate purpose. Each and every idea comes with vibrancy and a purpose and the power to produce the complete and perfect manifestation. My faith is alive, active and consistent.
By means of this word, criticism is neutralized and negativity is dissolved. I am a divine being radiating my goodness out into the world. I am happy, healthy, wealthy, prosperous and the full and complete expression of creative mind. The law of perfect right action is the only law there is. I accept, believe and trust that this absolute truth is permanently ingrained in my subconscious mind. I rejoice and give thanks for this already complete demonstration, I release it to the law of mind that immediately responds by corresponding, and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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