My Right and True Place

I am one with God. This beloved and divine energy guides and directs me so that I am always in my right and true place. I release any thoughts of displacement and know that the kingdom of heaven is within me at all times. It has imbued me with its grace.

At anytime, I can retreat to the secret place of the most high and neutralize anything that is in opposition to the truth of my being. I experience all that is good, beautiful, harmonious, abundant and fulfilling. I am part of an unfolding divine pattern that is uniquely me. Each individual has a perfect place, which only they can fill.

Divine order is always sustained. I am always in sync with the creative flow of the universe and deeply aware of the divinity in all beings and things. We are all children of God in this place at this time. There are no mistakes in God-mind. Everything and everyone is a light-filled channel of love designed for right and perfect expression.

Everything functions in perfect divine harmony. Nothing is missing in God’s perfect plan for my total fulfillment. I am God in action. I joyously live each moment in my right and true place. I give thanks for knowing this, for believing and accepting that it is so, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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