Inner Peace is a Priority

I am at one with the power and presence of God. I have made a solid connection to the truth that God is all there is. This recognition is my path to peace. Peace is a power within me that is never disturbed or moved by the outer world of effects. Having peace as a spiritual priority brings balance and wholeness to my life. When I am content and peaceful, my mind is free, open and I feel at one with all life.

To become a peacemaker I must first make peace with myself. Being true to myself is peace in its purity. There is no struggle or effort to find peace or attain peace. I achieve peace of mind by having a deliberate intention to make peace a priority. I consistently choose serenity, knowing that peace of mind begins with a quiet mind and a tranquil heart.

I draw upon the great power of Infinite mind that grounds me in truth so that I may rise above any appearance of confusion or conflict. The spirit that dwells within me is divine, adequate, whole and complete. I meet every experience with a full and complete consciousness that is deliberately centered in peace.

I am grateful for the peace that lives within, always expressing as perfect love, harmony and freedom. I calmly accept this word as law, I let it go and let it be, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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