Archive for Podcast

Vulnerability Is Availability – May 10, 2015

At the Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles, you will hear relevant messages, by Rev. Pam MacGregor, that you can apply to everyday life. This month’s theme is The “V” WordVulnerability.

Have you ever considered how being over-serious closes the window of our minds and armors our hearts? Light and laughter cannot enter and lift our spirits, and that’s where vulnerability steps in to soften and open us, to allow us to laugh at our all-caught-up-ness in the “monolithic me” that takes itself and life far too seriously.

The topic on May 10, 2015 was Vulnerability Is Availability. “Ouch!” the ego says, when something doesn’t go its way. “Ha-ha-ahhhh,” vulnerability says as we release ego’s stronghold and let our soul-joy come through. Our social conditioning prepares us to cover our backside, but where is the growth or aliveness in such an approach? Vulnerability gives us the availability to the full spectrum of life, love, and laughter.

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Spiritual Mind Treatment – Steps 4 & 5: Thanksgiving & Release – March 22, 2015

At the Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles, you will hear relevant messages, by Rev. Pam MacGregor, that you can apply to everyday life. This month’s theme is Spiritual Mind Treatment: Anyone Can Do It!.

A life overflowing with love, health, joy, peace, abundance, creativity–it sounds wonderful in theory, but how do we manifest it in practice? The answer is Spiritual Mind Treatment. Learn what it is and how do it as Rev. Pam takes you through the 5 Steps of Spiritual Mind Treatment each week this month. It’s easy. Anyone can do it!

The topic on March 22, 2015 was Spiritual Mind Treatment – Steps 4 & 5: Thanksgiving and Release. Thanksgiving or Gratitude is a sweet relaxation into the word that has been spoken. Our consciousness of gratitude acknowledges our grateful acceptance of that which we declared in Step 3 and our confidence in Spirit’s laws governing the universe.

Release is the letting go of doubt and obsessively returning to that which you declared in Step 3, but should a question arise, you don’t begin a diatribe about whether your questioning will cancel out your treatment. Be aware that this is just the nature of mind and return to the truth and practice releasing again.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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Spiritual Mind Treatment – Step 3: Realization – March 15, 2015

At the Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles, you will hear relevant messages, by Rev. Pam MacGregor, that you can apply to everyday life. This month’s theme is Spiritual Mind Treatment: Anyone Can Do It!.

A life overflowing with love, health, joy, peace, abundance, creativity–it sounds wonderful in theory, but how do we manifest it in practice? The answer is Spiritual Mind Treatment. Learn what it is and how do it as Rev. Pam takes you through the 5 Steps of Spiritual Mind Treatment each week this month. It’s easy. Anyone can do it!

The topic on March 15, 2015 was Spiritual Mind Treatment – Step 3: Realization. Step 3 is really a celebration announcing that the Good we are declaring for ourselves is and always has been ours. We plant the seeds of our soul-realization into the fertile soil of our mind and now water them with faith, with trust that each one will blossom according to divine right timing.

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Spiritual Mind Treatment – Step 2: Unification – March 8, 2015

At the Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles, you will hear relevant messages, by Rev. Pam MacGregor, that you can apply to everyday life. This month’s theme is Spiritual Mind Treatment: Anyone Can Do It!.

A life overflowing with love, health, joy, peace, abundance, creativity–it sounds wonderful in theory, but how do we manifest it in practice? The answer is Spiritual Mind Treatment. Learn what it is and how do it as Rev. Pam takes you through the 5 Steps of Spiritual Mind Treatment each week this month. It’s easy. Anyone can do it!

The topic on March 8, 2015 was Spiritual Mind Treatment – Step 2: Unification. In this step we claim our true identity, the spiritual inheritance encrypted in our soul, our conscious memory of our qualities of infinite intelligence, unconditional love, compassion, tranquility, wholeness. Unifying with and embodying our oneness with Source, we begin to realize the Cosmic Grace that accompanied us in our birth suitcase.

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Spiritual Mind Treatment – Step 1: Recognition – March 1, 2015

At the Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles, you will hear relevant messages, by Rev. Pam MacGregor, that you can apply to everyday life. This month’s theme is Spiritual Mind Treatment: Anyone Can Do It!.

A life overflowing with love, health, joy, peace, abundance, creativity–it sounds wonderful in theory, but how do we manifest it in practice? The answer is Spiritual Mind Treatment. Learn what it is and how do it as Rev. Pam takes you through the 5 Steps of Spiritual Mind Treatment each week this month. It’s easy. Anyone can do it!

The topic on March 1, 2015 was Spiritual Mind Treatment – Step 1: Recognition. The first step in Spiritual Mind Treatment is Recognition, which holds before us a cosmic mirror in which we are reminded of our true identity, that we are a spiritual being having a human experience. As a spiritual being, we are made of the stuff of Spirit, which is Wholeness itself. Recognizing our Self, we cultivate our courage to express it.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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