Getting Up Close and Personal – February 11, 2018

Loving greetings and welcome to our monthly glimpse into February’s spiritual explorations and theme, The Path of the Brave Hearted.

The etymology of the word brave is from the late 15th century’s Middle French and means “valiant,” and from the Italian and Spanish “bravo.” Does that cause you, as it does me, to put your spiritual shoulders back, step out of your comfort zone-and perhaps the status quo-and be brave enough to see, accept, and love yourself just as you are? Then to take that same stance for our world family where justice, compassion, and the dignity of all beings is concerned? That, my friends, calls for a collective “Bravo!” May our valiant journey begin now!

The topic on February 11, 2018, was Getting Up Close and Personal. Whether we’re placing the zoom lens on ourselves or others, when our focus captures our True Essence, we see the fabric of our being and all beings is that of Love. Our individual and collective flaws are overshadowed by the clarity of this seeing. This is the inner eye through which the master teacher Jesus saw all humanity. We too possess this 20/20 vision, and this week we will share how to see the loving nature within ourselves and all beings.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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