“You Were Born with Wings” – February 10, 2019

Right now, as you are reading these words, Love is surrounding you, travelling within your very being. It is present everywhere you go, in every face you see, every flower, every rock and insect, without exception. Regardless of appearances, there is no place where Love is not. You are, in fact, already manifesting our theme of the month, “Living in the Energy Field of Love.”

During February, when our human calendar highlights love, let’s take advantage of this precious collective energy. As Spirit gives its Love to each of us, let us share it with all those who cross our path, and also include ourselves in this giving. Let us radiate Love out to our global family, world leaders, peacemakers, and even those who challenge us, for there is nothing that exists that is not made of the fabric of Spirit’s Love.

The topic on February 10, 2019, was “You Were Born with Wings.” In those words, Rumi reminds us that we have spiritual wings, so let’s “Learn to use them and fly.” And what is our flight’s ultimate destination? Directly into the arms of Love where we realize that as we experience life’s inevitable joys and challenges, once we center ourselves in Love, everything falls in tune with the Love-Center of the Authentic Self.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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