Archive for March, 2013

Why Me?

We have all had those challenges that come at the wrong time.  Often  these are the experiences that push us to a particular point where we still need to grow.   The opportunity is there for us to choose to see the glass as half full rather than half empty, pick ourselves up, and continue.

Frequently the question arises: “Is God punishing me?”  Not only does God not punish people, but God is always there to help with any tragedy, disappointment, or heartache. Good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. The truth is, things happen to people all the time. You may wonder “Why me?”   Here is the answer: “The rain falls on the just and on the unjust.” There is a Spirit of Life, a depth of spirituality that can bolster you and hold you in the palm of Its hand.  There is something supportive and helpful.  There is always wisdom and direction. You can’t lose the Divine Presence that is within you. You may not recognize It and you may think It has forsaken you, but It has not.  You can never lose that.

There is happiness that overrules happenings.

An Article by Rev. Pam
(Published in the Tolucan Times March, 2013)

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Life is a Blessing

I am one with God and one with all of life.   God has blessed me with an abundance of gifts and talents. Every moment, I am given limitless blessings that allow me to express my divinity.

Each blessing that I encounter is an opportunity for me to look deeper and express more fully the divine expression that I am. I am love. I am peace. I am joy. I am wholeness. I am abundance. I am dynamic, radiant vitality.

God has given me the gift of imagination so that I may always be awakened to the totality of my potential.   The creative power of mind stimulates me and fortifies me. Divine Intelligence brings out my greatest good so that I may be a blessing to others. By staying focused on the truth, I am able to see all people in the light of truth.

Life is a blessing. I am blessed. I bless all things. I bless all life. I live in the all-embracing circle of Divine Love. As a Divine Creation, I give thanks for the blessing of life. I let it be, and so it is!

Rev Pam

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My Good Is Assured

I turn to the one Power, Presence and Life and allow its wisdom to flow through me and direct my life. Its love and infinite givingness fill me with limitless energy, allowing me to always do my best.
I align my thoughts and my feelings and live with an affirmative attitude.

My actions are motivated, maintained and sustained by divine ideas. I depend on a Principle of Good that is greater than I am, that is always working for me by working through me.

I am the consciousness of limitless good, experiencing limitless good. This good is always available to me in all ways.
I only need to accept its limitlessness and let it fill me with its over flowing and inexhaustible all-providing goodness.

I am surrounded by good at all times. My good is assured and does not interfere with the good of others. My good includes good for all. I accept an abundance of good. I expect good because only good flows through me and from me.

I give thanks for this Truth and now release it into the great law of mind that responds by corresponding with more and even greater good, and, so it is!

Rev. Pam

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The Power of Surrender

Everything originates from the One Source, First Cause, God.
I am the consciousness causing and expressing that which I desire to take form. I surrender the small mind and let the power of Divine Mind take charge. The activity of Divine Mind is a positive force for good and influences each thing I do with right knowing.

By letting go of small-minded ideas and notions, Spirit fills me up with a greater degree of livingness. As I surrender to the power within me greater than I am, I discover that the perfect alignment of Spirit is controlling every outcome so that I may soar to greater heights in glorious ways.

Every demonstration is a complete fulfillment of right action. I surrender with poise, calm assurance and certainty. My Ideas are sourced and guided by divine love and perfect understanding. Surrender is my launching pad of grace and ease that brings perfect right expansion in all that I do.

I rejoice and give thanks, knowing and accepting that the great law of mind has already produced the visible manifestation of these words, I let it be, and so it is!!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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