Why Me?
We have all had those challenges that come at the wrong time. Often these are the experiences that push us to a particular point where we still need to grow. The opportunity is there for us to choose to see the glass as half full rather than half empty, pick ourselves up, and continue.
Frequently the question arises: “Is God punishing me?” Not only does God not punish people, but God is always there to help with any tragedy, disappointment, or heartache. Good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. The truth is, things happen to people all the time. You may wonder “Why me?” Here is the answer: “The rain falls on the just and on the unjust.” There is a Spirit of Life, a depth of spirituality that can bolster you and hold you in the palm of Its hand. There is something supportive and helpful. There is always wisdom and direction. You can’t lose the Divine Presence that is within you. You may not recognize It and you may think It has forsaken you, but It has not. You can never lose that.
There is happiness that overrules happenings.
An Article by Rev. Pam
(Published in the Tolucan Times March, 2013)
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