My Good Is Assured

I turn to the one Power, Presence and Life and allow its wisdom to flow through me and direct my life. Its love and infinite givingness fill me with limitless energy, allowing me to always do my best.
I align my thoughts and my feelings and live with an affirmative attitude.

My actions are motivated, maintained and sustained by divine ideas. I depend on a Principle of Good that is greater than I am, that is always working for me by working through me.

I am the consciousness of limitless good, experiencing limitless good. This good is always available to me in all ways.
I only need to accept its limitlessness and let it fill me with its over flowing and inexhaustible all-providing goodness.

I am surrounded by good at all times. My good is assured and does not interfere with the good of others. My good includes good for all. I accept an abundance of good. I expect good because only good flows through me and from me.

I give thanks for this Truth and now release it into the great law of mind that responds by corresponding with more and even greater good, and, so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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