You: A Unique Expression of Spirit – August 27, 2023

I send you loving greetings and invite you to join me throughout the month as we come together as a spiritual family to pray and commune with Spirit.

Our theme of the month for August is “Reliance on the Reliability of Spirit,” a theme that entered my consciousness as I was contemplating the challenges our global family is facing and realized, that amidst it all, Spirit is our rock of reliability in these seemingly temperamental times. This is a month you won’t want to miss as each week’s theme fortifies our trustworthy reliance on Spirit, its Love and Law.

The August 27, 2023 topic is You: A Unique Expression of Spirit. That we are a unique expression of Spirit is not all that matters. What ultimately matters is our commitment, our longing to embody that Truth, to say “yes” to every moment of grace that recognizes within us an inner sense of the Divine, a felt sense of its Wholeness living, breathing, moving and having its Life within, as, and through us.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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