Will the True Giver Please Step Forward? – February 28, 2021

How often we hear the words of Jesus to “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” I italicize Jesus’s use of “thyself” because it clearly indicates, even assumes, that we do, indeed, love ourselves. Why is it, then, that most of us must work to cultivate self-love, self-forgiveness, self-compassion?

Truth be told, it’s an ever-evolving process to accept how deeply we are cherished by Spirit, to bow in humble acknowledgment that it has chosen to express its formlessness through us in form. And that is why throughout February our theme will be, “The Self-love Experiment.” Together, we will enter the laboratory of our own consciousness and allow grace to take us to higher ground.

The February 28, 2021 topic is Will the True Giver Please Step Forward? One of Ernest Holmes’s frequent statements is about how no one can give to us but ourselves and no one can take anything away from us but ourselves. Now what he meant by this is that no one can accept our good on our behalf and no one can steal it but us. Doesn’t it make sense, then, to open our awareness and claim our empowerment of self-givingness?

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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