Where There Is Darkness and Sadness, Let Me Sow Light and Joy – April 29, 2018

Loving greetings and joyous Easter and Spring Equinox wishes to you and your dear ones. It’s interesting to note that Easter is metaphysically a time of a resurrection in consciousness, and the Spring Equinox is a time of renewal. Both inspire us to review our intentions and reset our course towards that which gladdens our hearts and serves our global family.

As I inwardly prayed for April’s theme to be revealed, St. Francis’s beautiful prayer came into my awareness along with these words: I Am Your Instrument. I invite you to join us each week as together we practice being Spirit’s instruments of blessing in our world.

The topic on April 29, 2018, was Where There Is Darkness and Sadness, Let Me Sow Light and Joy. How can we be instruments of light and joy? The truth is, we already are! All we have to do is discover and activate it within ourselves and watch how it illumines our path. This is what St. Francis realized and called forth from within himself. This week we will practice together and tap into our innate luminosity of Light and Joy and let it radiate out from us upon one another, and upon our world.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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