“This Thing Called You” – January 9, 2021

Boundless blessings and a joyous New Year to you and your loved ones!

If there is one grace that I could give you at this time, it would be the realization of the spiritual empowerment of intention. Why? Because intention is the portal to the discovery of our inner Wholeness. Intention comes to us from the Latin word, intendre, meaning “to stretch.” In a spiritual context, intention stretches us beyond limiting thoughts, perceptions, and habit patterns. This has inspired me to have as our January theme, “Intention: The Direct Route to Self-Realization.”

The January 9, 2022 topic is “This Thing Called You.” Who is this wondrous “You” of whom Ernest Holmes said, “You are the only person you can’t divorce?” That being so, let us make a lifetime vow to keep before our inner gaze our true nature, our divine image as an individualized expression of Spirit. Join us this Sunday as we journey into that Self, into its unbreakable bond with its Source.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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