Think About Your Thinking – July 7, 2019

Loving greetings and may your lives glow with the luminous light of Spirit as we celebrate the fourth of July and all the inner and outer freedoms with which we have been blessed. Perhaps greatest among them is our right to religious freedom, to follow that path to which our soul is called. We in Science of Mind celebrate that freedom every time we enter the field of prayer, the field of our everyday activities wherein we know the Spirit moves, breathes, and expresses Its life through and as us. Our theme of the month is “At Home with Spirit.”

The topic on July 7, 2019, was Think About Your Thinking. In his 1903 classic As a Man Thinketh, James Allen writes, “A man is literally what he thinks. His character is the complete sum of all his thoughts.” He further clarifies that this applies equally to thoughts which are “spontaneous” and “unpredictable” as to those which are deliberate. This week, in an honest, open-minded approach, we will explore the depths of thinking, thoughts, and the thinker. I think you’ll like it!

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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