The Joy of Co-creating with Spirit – March 20, 2022

As we trust more and more in our relationship with Spirt, our commitment and enthusiasm to practice deepen. We become inspired by knowing absolutely that Spirit and its laws governing the universe are at the core of Existence. What rich nourishment this offers to our spiritual progress! The selection of this month’s theme, “Opening to the Wonder of Being,” is intended to open us to discover new pathways that will carry us to higher ground, to the awareness that Wholeness is already ours. I look forward to our journey together.

The March 20, 2022 topic is The Joy of Co-creating with Spirit. Early on in the Science of Mind textbook, Ernest Holmes tells us that it is our mandate to consciously co-create our life with Spirit. What a joy to know that as we empower and activate our co-creative energy trust replaces doubt, expectancy replaces anxiety, tranquility replaces worry, and sufficiency replaces lack. This joy of co-creating awakens us to the closeness of our partnership with Spirit.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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