The Gift of Delay – May 31, 2020

As our global family faces the impact of the novel Coronavirus, no matter how many times we hear or read the words “We’re in this together,” let us remember that they point to a universal truth. For as the master teacher Jesus affirms in Corinthians 12:26: “If one member suffers, all suffer together, if one member is honored, all rejoice together,” which is to say we are one in the Spirit. So each day as we pray for ourselves, loved ones, world leaders and all beings, let us recall his words, knowing that together we will get through this and the day will arrive when we will “all rejoice together,” even in the midst of our collective challenges.

As we come together to celebrate this month’s theme, “The Anatomy of Belief,” know that I hold each one of you and all your dear ones in prayer.

The May 31, 2020 topic is The Gift of Delay. Most of us think of the word “delay” as a synonym for “procrastinate.” But upon taking a closer look, we will realize that by delaying instant responses, reactions and actions might be the higher part of wisdom, that pausing to take a mindful breath leads to wisdom-guided decisions.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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