The Benefits of Cultivating Faith and Expectancy – November 25, 2018

As I sat to write this, I noted that the first Sunday in November marks the end of Daylight Saving Time, which means it will get darker earlier, seemingly shortening our days. Frankly, I felt a bit of resistance—that is, until I retitled this time shift to “Daylight Awakening Time.” My heart filled with gratitude as I realized awakening to our Divine Self, to come home to our own hearts, is a timeless adventure, which gave birth to this month’s theme, Beyond Grateful.

I invite you to join me each week this month as we pull back the surface layers of the meaning of gratitude and enter its depths. And as we do, I have every confidence that we will rejoice as never before in our discoveries.

The topic on November 25, 2018, was The Benefits of Cultivating Faith and Expectancy. There are two irreplaceable companions on our inner journey that go before us to make the crooked places straight: faith and expectancy. We have all been equipped with the capacity to activate our soul’s organic quality of faith, and when we do, we will begin living in a mindset of expectancy as we manifest our life’s greatest fulfillment and contentment.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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