Tapping into Your Infinite Nature – November 12, 2017

At the Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles, you will hear relevant messages, by Rev. Pam MacGregor, that you can apply to everyday life.

Joyous Thanksgiving wishes to you and your dear ones! May your celebrations uplift your hearts, enliven your spirits, and delight your taste buds.

I’m so looking forward to sharing this special month with you. And I want to begin by letting each and every one of you know how grateful I am for your presence in my life, and in this spiritual community. That we are sharing this time on the planet together is a blessing, because as like-minded students of Truth, we are able to encourage one another, remind one another of who we are and why we are here, and of the unconditional love that underpins our existence. I hope you will join me each week this month when our theme will be, “Living from the Overflow.”

The topic on November 12, 2017, was Tapping into Your Infinite Nature. Our first step in tapping into our infinite nature as individualized expressions of Spirit is to drop the tendency to mentally measure our worth by outer appearances. By neutralizing this mindset through our spiritual practices of meditation and affirmative prayer, we open ourselves to receiving the revelation of our infinite nature. It is in that sacred, luminous temple within that we can gaze into the cosmic mirror and see reflected there our original face as a spirit-soul.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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