Spirit’s Expressions of Divine Love – October 25, 2020

As I consider the challenging times we are facing, I realize that they are precisely why we practice: so that in the midst of their appearances and uncertainties we remind ourselves of the truth that Spirit is the one certainty, the one Power and Presence that there is. We practice so that in those moments when the “known” evades us, we have unshakable faith in the Unknown and that from It new possibilities are birthed.

And that takes me directly to our traditional October Friendship Month and this month’s theme, “Celebrating the Power of Friendship.” Although we are not currently meeting in person, there is no distance between souls and the bond of friendship we share as a global spiritual community remains unbroken. I invite you to join us each week this month as we honor this truth principle.

The October 25, 2020 topic is Spirit’s Expressions of Divine Love. How often have you met a complete stranger and by the free choice of your mutual hearts reciprocate love for each other? Gazing into the heart of a loved one sparks the recognition of the profound gift Spirit embedded in our Essential Self that expresses as the sacredness within all of our love relationships as friends, partners, spouses, parents and children. What a joy to celebrate!

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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