Poised for Spiritual Evolutionary Progress

Loving greetings and welcome to our Sunday celebrations. Our theme throughout July is “Poised for Progress.” How must we position ourselves—inwardly and outwardly—to live a spiritually progressive life whether we’re in prayer, meditation, driving to work, on our computer, or walking the dog? How do we express the true meaning of “freedom” we celebrate on the fourth of July? I invite you on a journey into your own consciousness to greet the already, spiritually-poised being that you are.

The July 30, 2023 topic is Poised for Spiritual Evolutionary Progress. Our level of inner awareness and outer actions contribute to living a mindful, awake life grounded in the universal principles of Law and Love. Together, they form the causes that create the conditions that appear in our lives. When we consciously devote ourselves to our spiritual evolutionary progress, we learn what it means to be “a spiritual being having a human experience.”

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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