It’s About More Than Money – May 22, 2016

At the Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles, you will hear relevant messages, by Rev. Pam MacGregor, that you can apply to everyday life.

The journey into a demonstration of abundance begins with the realization that our part is to claim in consciousness what is ours by divine inheritance. I invite you to tune in each week this month, as we support one another in doing just that by embodying this month’s theme: “ABUNDANCE: The Awareness of What Is Already Yours.”

The topic on May 22, 2016, was It’s About More Than Money. The principle of tithing, or giving, is clearly stated in Luke 6:38: “Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over.” Whether it’s love, kindness, compassion, tithing, inspiration—when we give it wholeheartedly, it returns to us abundantly. Likewise, when we withhold it, it is withheld from us. And we tithe to our spiritual home so that it, too, may thrive and share its message.

I encourage you to pause and consider the application of this week’s topic in your life. Then take a moment to express gratitude for all the good that is yours, even as you open to receive greater abundance from Spirit’s limitless storehouse of supply.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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