Is Your Faith Well-placed, or Misplaced? – March 24, 2024

Loving greetings and welcome to the beauty and rejuvenation of Spring, which I consider an invitation to each of us to blossom our spiritual essence. And that’s why our theme throughout March is “Staying on Course by Changing Our Direction.” As we aspire to spiritually evolve, we can get thrown off course by the daunting challenges that inevitably appear in life. By changing the direction of our mind, we redirect our intention and attention back to our true priorities. Our spiritual practices accelerate, empowering us to uproot fear with faith and uncertainty with peace of heart. Let’s get started!

The March 24, 2024 topic is Is Your Faith Well-placed, or Misplaced? Despite the appearances of global upheaval–including politics, the economy, racism, gender, global warming, war, violence, greed–our most effective defense against overwhelm is our faith. The question is: In what? Let us place our faith in the reliable intelligence of Spirit, in knowing that its infinite, omnipresent love and laws governing the universe prevail. Without exception.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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