Is it Time to Expand Your Horizons? – September 15, 2019

As the Dalai Lama wisely reminds us, “Happiness is the highest form of health and is determined more by one’s state of mind than by external events.” There it is, plain and simple, leaving us no wiggle room for not taking responsibility for our individual happiness. There’s paradox present too, for even in the midst of some situational unhappiness, with a shift of the mind—without bypass or denial—we can restore our happiness. If you’re ready to find out how, listen each week as we explore our September theme, “Living from a Heart of Happiness.”

The topic on September 15, 2019, was Is it Time to Expand Your Horizons? The True Self simply will not let us remain static, falsely satisfied, or in denial of the truth that we have within us all we need to awaken into the fullest expression of our being. No matter at what level of consciousness we find ourselves, there remains inner horizons to explore, expand, and embody. Are you up for the adventure?

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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