Identify What Isn’t Working and Celebrate What Is – October 28, 2018

When we come together as a spiritual family, what a joy it is to observe the effects our collective friendship has upon one another. As our tradition of celebrating Friendship Month continues, I want to express my gratitude for how the friendship we share blesses my life, and all the more so because it is a bond we share in the Spirit.

Our theme for the month of October is The Spiritual Art of Success, based on Jack Canfield’s empowering book, The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.

The topic on October 28, 2018, was Identify What Isn’t Working and Celebrate What Is. Identifying habitual mindsets and heart-sets that aren’t working in our lives leads us to a more successful life. Why? Because doing so offers us the opportunity to release them and evolve into the next level of our spiritual unfoldment. So I suggest celebrating these discoveries as true inner victories and let the evolution in consciousness begin! Are you ready?

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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