Breakable and Unbreakable Covenants – August 29, 2021

“Holy shift!” just might be the words that define our current times. Times wherein private citizens become astronauts in spaceships built not by NASA but through the power of their individual creative process. Times wherein our personal lives have their individual joys, as well as challenges which are deserving of our self-compassion. I invite you to join me as throughout this month we explore our theme, “Holy Shift!”, which embraces and reveals factual evidence that we are indeed spiritual beings having a human experience.

The August 29, 2021 topic is Breakable and Unbreakable Covenants. From the Latin convenire, the word covenant means “to agree.” Have you ever examined the conscious and unconscious agreements you have made with habitual mindsets of lack, limitation, fear or unworthiness? All of these false agreements can be broken, but the covenant we have with our Creator Source is unbreakable throughout eternity. What consoling news to the heart!

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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