Birthing the Cosmic Christ Within Us – December 24, 2023

Joyous Hanukah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa wishes to you and your loved ones. During these sacred times of holyday celebrations I encourage us all to gift ourselves and our global family with soul-felt prayers of peace. As the Dalai Lama reminds us, “World peace must develop out of inner peace.” By setting aside time each day to inwardly align with Spirit, we center ourselves in the very Source of Peace and radiate it out into our world. I invite you to join me in this intention.

Our theme for the month of December is “Touching the Infinite Within.” I look forward to the gift of your being with us each Sunday as we express our collective gratitude of being a global spiritual community in unity.

The December 24, 2023 topic is Birthing the Cosmic Christ Within Us. What a profound cause for celebration it is to realize that the story of Christmas does not end with the physical birth of Jesus the Christ, that instead it serves as a revelation of the Christ Consciousness born within us all. Today we will deepen our understanding of how we may awaken and put into action our divine birthright of Christ Consciousness.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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