A Deeper Dive into Trusting the Power of Spirit – July 21, 2019

Loving greetings and may your lives glow with the luminous light of Spirit as we celebrate the fourth of July and all the inner and outer freedoms with which we have been blessed. Perhaps greatest among them is our right to religious freedom, to follow that path to which our soul is called. We in Science of Mind celebrate that freedom every time we enter the field of prayer, the field of our everyday activities wherein we know the Spirit moves, breathes, and expresses Its life through and as us. Our theme of the month is “At Home with Spirit.”

The topic on July 21, 2019, was A Deeper Dive into Trusting the Power of Spirit. In the eyes of Spirit there is nothing too big or too small—all is worthy of its fullest attention. There is no person more deserving than another, and each of us is loved as deeply as the most enlightened of beings. This is a Power and Presence in which we may place our whole trust, excluding no part of ourselves. Join us today as we celebrate this truth and dive into a deeper trust in our beloved Creator Source.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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