Psalm 91: A Lifetime Guarantee that Can’t Be Beat! – June 26, 2016

At the Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles, you will hear relevant messages, by Rev. Pam MacGregor, that you can apply to everyday life.

In his wisdom, Ernest Homes neutrally referred to the Bible as “The Grand Old Book,” saying this of it:

“We shall approach our study [of the Bible] with the idea in mind that we are working out a philosophy of life which deals with man’s relationship to Spirit. No attempt will be made to explain all the intricate sayings of the Bible, but rather to analyze those passages which have a direct meaning and significance in everyday living.” And that is precisely what we will be doing throughout the month of June when our theme will be, “The Wisdom of the Grand Old Book.”

The topic on June 26, 2016, was Psalm 91: A Lifetime Guarantee that Can’t Be Beat! When we live, move and have our being “in the place of the Most High,” we abide in the shadow of the Almighty and its protection. Protection from what? From the false beliefs in lack, limitation, fear, worry-the “pestilence” that invades our minds through popular media, and societal conditioning. Living from a consciousness of One Power, we are shielded, guarded and guided by its overarching Presence in our lives.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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