Archive for June, 2020

The Fourth Secret of Answered Prayer – June 28, 2020

Loving greetings and may you and your loved ones be healthy and safe as together we walk through these challenging times. I have no doubt that you, like myself, feel a strong inward call to prayer for our entire global family. As I read articles and watch programs about this situation, I hear the recurring statement that never in our recorded human history has there been such an obvious expression of our interdependence upon one another to now live in such a way that is for the greater good of all humanity.

To the guidelines based on science given to us by the CDC, I add that of the spiritual science of prayer, which inspired this month’s theme, “The Four Secrets of Answered Prayer.” I’ve had some extra assistance from a book I read The Prayer Chest, a novel co-authored by New Thought ministers August Gold and Joel Fotinos.

I look forward to your joining the Beloved Community as we unite in prayer and celebration of the Spirit.

The June 28, 2020 topic is The Fourth Secret of Answered Prayer. It is in the fifth step of Spiritual Mind Treatment—”Release”—that our ultimate trust in the law of prayer occurs in the form of surrender to the wisdom of Spirit. We let go of our attachment to the outcome of our prayer, including the “how” and “when” of it. This is what Ernest Holmes was conveying in his encouraging guidance to, “Pray right and God cannot help responding.”

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The Third Secret of Answered Prayer – June 21, 2020

Loving greetings and may you and your loved ones be healthy and safe as together we walk through these challenging times. I have no doubt that you, like myself, feel a strong inward call to prayer for our entire global family. As I read articles and watch programs about this situation, I hear the recurring statement that never in our recorded human history has there been such an obvious expression of our interdependence upon one another to now live in such a way that is for the greater good of all humanity.

To the guidelines based on science given to us by the CDC, I add that of the spiritual science of prayer, which inspired this month’s theme, “The Four Secrets of Answered Prayer.” I’ve had some extra assistance from a book I read The Prayer Chest, a novel co-authored by New Thought ministers August Gold and Joel Fotinos.

I look forward to your joining the Beloved Community as we unite in prayer and celebration of the Spirit.

The June 21, 2020 topic is The Third Secret of Answered Prayer. Whenever authentic prayer appears in our hearts, separation disappears. We consciously sense our oneness with Spirit in the simplest, purest, most direct sense. This is answered prayer, because when we enter this state of consciousness there is no need to ask or affirm anything—we know absolutely that all needs are already met, causing a wordless gratitude to wash over us.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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The Second Secret of Answered Prayer – June 14, 2020

Loving greetings and may you and your loved ones be healthy and safe as together we walk through these challenging times. I have no doubt that you, like myself, feel a strong inward call to prayer for our entire global family. As I read articles and watch programs about this situation, I hear the recurring statement that never in our recorded human history has there been such an obvious expression of our interdependence upon one another to now live in such a way that is for the greater good of all humanity.

To the guidelines based on science given to us by the CDC, I add that of the spiritual science of prayer, which inspired this month’s theme, “The Four Secrets of Answered Prayer.” I’ve had some extra assistance from a book I read The Prayer Chest, a novel co-authored by New Thought ministers August Gold and Joel Fotinos.

I look forward to your joining the Beloved Community as we unite in prayer and celebration of the Spirit.

The June 14, 2020 topic is The Second Secret of Answered Prayer. In addition to activating universal law through Spiritual Mind Treatment, how often during the activities of an ordinary day do we break into spontaneous prayer, asking for nothing but simply as an expression of love, joy, and gratitude for the gift of life? This form of prayer is a way of affirming, “I am grateful for the realization that I AM an individualized expression of pure Spirit.”

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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The First Secret of Answered Prayer – June 7, 2020

Loving greetings and may you and your loved ones be healthy and safe as together we walk through these challenging times. I have no doubt that you, like myself, feel a strong inward call to prayer for our entire global family. As I read articles and watch programs about this situation, I hear the recurring statement that never in our recorded human history has there been such an obvious expression of our interdependence upon one another to now live in such a way that is for the greater good of all humanity.

To the guidelines based on science given to us by the CDC, I add that of the spiritual science of prayer, which inspired this month’s theme, “The Four Secrets of Answered Prayer.” I’ve had some extra assistance from a book I read The Prayer Chest, a novel co-authored by New Thought ministers August Gold and Joel Fotinos.

I look forward to your joining the Beloved Community as we unite in prayer and celebration of the Spirit.

The June 7, 2020 topic is The First Secret of Answered Prayer. Prayer, in its truest essence, is a state of being. In prayer there is no “me,” “thou,” nor “other.” The sense of a separate self dissolves into oneness with Spirit. This state of divine union is answered prayer, a fulfillment of our deepest self and purpose. Join us this Sunday as together we learn how we can amplify the power of prayer for ourselves and our world.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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